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  1. Pot Is Yummy

    ultimate Super Plant gorw

    <img src="" alt="Heil!" /> <img src="" alt="Heil!" /> <img src="" alt="Heil!" /> <img src="" alt="Heil!" /> <img...
  2. Pot Is Yummy

    What is ur weapon of choice?

    Brown sugar blunt wraps. Zig-Zags. Bong. ........ ....... ...... ..... .... ... .. .
  3. Pot Is Yummy

    What's your Beer of pleasure?

    Belgian beer called "Jupiler", by far the smoothest and most drunkening beer ive ever had.
  4. Pot Is Yummy

    Worst Joke Ever?

    Probably ressurecting the thread, but i was on a bus the other day and the driver was all like : "What do you call and empty jar of cheeze wiz?" "What?" "Cheeze Wuz!" hahahahahahazomgroflfallover!
  5. Pot Is Yummy

    The official WTF? thread.

    Welcome to the official WTF? thread. -Simply post anything that makes you think WTF? The first poster can keep the squid. To start things off, WTF is up with the entire Disney Corporation? They are going to corrupt the youth of the world! Just look what they promote!
  6. Pot Is Yummy

    Inspire me

    The face on the left of gray one scared me, no offense intended of course, but it just seemed angry at me for some reason.
  7. Pot Is Yummy

    Inspired by Pot

    Had i an afro I would use Nig-Grow daily to increase its shimmer and volume.
  8. Pot Is Yummy

    Longest you can go without sex....

    8½ seconds.....nuff said.
  9. Pot Is Yummy

    RIU Inspired Story

    I like it, i have a buddy who writes lots....but has yet to finish a single work. Anyway, thats some pretty compelling stuff you've got going there, keep it up!
  10. Pot Is Yummy

    Onion Ringo's

  11. Pot Is Yummy

    Best Game While Stoned!

    ahaha, i totally remeber that game, it used to be like the best thing ever...... anyway, the Forge feature in Halo 3 is pretty awesome when your stoned....endless possibilities.
  12. Pot Is Yummy

    Year 2012 - END OF THE WORLD? Y/N?

    Even if the world ends in some sort of catacalysmic event, it would be cool to watch i bet......i mean, since your about to get roflstomped by the apocalypse anyway you have to agree it would be pretty cool to see an event like that go down..... If you think about it, it would be the worst for...
  13. Pot Is Yummy

    favorite beer?

    gotta go with Jupiler, either that or Guiness, im a sucker for imports.
  14. Pot Is Yummy

    My wife ;)

    Nice......just...Nice dude.
  15. Pot Is Yummy

    Post Your Poetry

    not mine, but its awesome....its by Necro and all credit should go to him. Dealer, Listen to me.. When i come home from work, Feelin for an eight ball Nose candy on my mind... Ive come to realize, You need me. And if you want me to keep commin', Then give me a free piece.... Its my birthday...
  16. Pot Is Yummy


    Calea zacatechichi(dream herb) is pretty cool, if you smoke some, like maybe 2 joints or a couple bowls you get a really light weed-ish high, and if you go to sleep your dreams become really vivid and stuff, its pretty cool.
  17. Pot Is Yummy

    Things from Europe.

    Yeah its really different over there, probably since their countries are so much older, and theyve got things just how they like it.
  18. Pot Is Yummy

    Don't Respond

    dont even pay attention to this thread please im just seeing something.
  19. Pot Is Yummy

    Don't Respond

    dont even pay attention to this thread please