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  1. WaterfarmNinja

    Power outage during dark period in flower

    Thanks...what can I do to be more like you?...hehehe
  2. WaterfarmNinja

    Power outage during dark period in flower

    Thank You for your time.
  3. WaterfarmNinja

    Power outage during dark period in flower

    I believe there was a series of brown outs...this effected the timers I think.
  4. WaterfarmNinja

    Power outage during dark period in flower

    I had a 5 hour outage during my dark period. The "night" ended up lasting about 19 hours....the lights are on now....should I put them back on the origional light cycle or just let it ride?
  5. WaterfarmNinja

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    Yep, tell the broad she can have her man and leave. Just that simple.
  6. WaterfarmNinja

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    Do you know what Saddam was doing to his own people? Wouldnt you want that stopped? To me the problem is we got involved in something that is BIBLICAL .They have been killing eachother for no real reason since the beginning of recorded history. Its part of their culture. Its like the couple you...
  7. WaterfarmNinja

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    Dumbass he is. But still not at fault for 9/11. I agree, TARDED, or TARDLY suits him just fine. Clips of his speeches will be around forever to make us laugh. His response after katrina also. George Bush doesnt respond well under any pressure. He freezes up like the proverbial deer in headlights.
  8. WaterfarmNinja

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    Why is GB responsible for 911 when ALL the planning and setup took place on Clintons watch. Only the excecution of the plan was on GBs watch. He had just took office a few months before and was busy CHANGING EVERYTHING and not paying attention!!! Then BOOOM its in his lap infront of a class full...
  9. WaterfarmNinja

    bong water

    I agree, No "nutrient" left in that stuff. Mostly tar.
  10. WaterfarmNinja

    One person you would NOT smoke with!

    Gary Busey, Do I have to say why? I dont think so. Hes like your friend who thinks hes freakin PLATO when he smokes. But busey is like that SOBER!!
  11. WaterfarmNinja

    Are Waterfarms the new DWC hybrid?

    My avatar is my second attempt to grow in waterfarms. The first was nothing but a mess of death.:confused: After alot of reading I added an airstone to each bucket and kept the water level just above the bottom of the inner bucket and voiala! Success!:hump: My nutes are House and Garden Aqua...
  12. WaterfarmNinja

    What's the biggest mistake Bush made?

    Does anyone think that changing our leader as often as we do is GOOD for our country. It seems to me that if you change the CEO of a company every 4-8 years with one that has a TOTALLY different way of seeing things you waste alot of time and money making the changes and the company never gets...
  13. WaterfarmNinja

    I have some stupid questions about ph and tds meters

    My avatar is my first grow. I was using the litmus paper at first but my plants were dieing so I spent the money and bought the tester and found that I was running very high numbers. So I am glad I made the purchase.
  14. WaterfarmNinja

    I have some stupid questions about ph and tds meters

    I use a OAKTON eco Testr pH1. I use it often and it works great. Waterproof and easy to use.
  15. WaterfarmNinja

    I have some stupid questions about ph and tds meters

    And rinse it well after each use. They sell ones with replacable probes but the tips are still pricey.
  16. WaterfarmNinja

    I have some stupid questions about ph and tds meters

    You should put a small piece of sponge in the cap and keep it moist with RO water or distilled. This will keep the probe moist. Also, keep it out of the light when stored so there it will be less likely to grow anything in there.
  17. WaterfarmNinja

    bong water

    Bong water is just water with burnt plant matter in it and it ferments right? Like some liquor no?