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  1. D

    4x8 or 5x9 Gorilla Tent and Yield?

    How worried are you about heat? If you get decent dividends from your initial grow in the small tent, I'd say invest them into the larger tent with LEDs for lighting. Keep your smaller tent for your clones and early vegging. Don't wrinkle your nose yet--they have a bad rap because too many...
  2. D

    First indoor grow setup (ghetto)

    Its pretty simple. : ) Google should have a thousand results, but I personally love the bright agrotech YouTube videos. They're very educational. Don't let them talk you into an expensive pH meter. I use the drops--theyre accurate enough to satisfy me, plus the kit usually comes with both pH...
  3. D

    First indoor grow setup (ghetto)

    You may want to get a cheap pH kit from amazon, like the one GH sells. I find that my fertilizer mixture measures at 4-5 after mixing and that's wayyy too low for plants.