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  1. S

    When do you start leaching ?

    When the trechs turn about 50% amber its time to harvest ... Any pointers on when to start leaching prior to harvest ... ? :peace:
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    Fastest way to Determine Sex

    I was like WTF ... ?
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    Fastest way to Determine Sex

    If you cloned your plants why would you wonder about what sex they are? ...
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    Ph advice ...

    I have an Oakton PH tester.I have calibrated it with a 4 and 7 buffer solution.Water that I have left out for 3 days is at 8.2 ... Water right out of my tap is at 7.1 ... Filtered water ( Britta filter ) is at 6.7 ... Anybody know why there is such a difference in the readings ? What is a good...
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    Males and pollen ...

    After seeing the first signs of males how long before the pollon is able to fertilize a female ? ... :leaf:
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    mouth watering !!! Nice ...
  7. S

    Seed types ...

    Tiger Stripes Dudes !!! They gotta be something good !!! :wall: Just by looking at them I think they maybe a Skunk#1 X AK47 X White widow X Bubble gum X Mexican Brown Dirt Weed X Vodka and Gin X Talking to dead relitives type weed !!! O.K O.K. O.K... I'm just gonna grow em and when I do , I'm...
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    Seed types ...

    :peace: A buddy gave me some seeds that he says are Northern Lights seeds. Big fat brown seeds with black tiger stripes , they all look as thoe they are the same strain ... Is it possible to tell what type are strain that these seeds are by the way that they look ? ... :peace:
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    how are these WW/Skunk looking

    Picasso , love the avatar ...
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    Fox farms big bloom ...

    Thanks for the replies Dudes ... I guess what I'm getting at is , what is a good product for me to use in the budding cycle ? ... :peace::leaf::leaf::leaf::peace:
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    Fox farms big bloom ...

    Can I use this product on my soil based plants or is it for hydro growing only ? ... Would like to use this when I go to 12/12 bud cycle ...
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    Miracle grow soil...

    I have used MG for years ... No problems ...
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    1,000 Watt Metal Halide bulb for flowering?

    ... Yes indeed ...
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    Male or female

    Thats one gnarley(sp?) Dude ... Dude
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    Busted 4 days after 420

    As far as I'm concerned , you need to bitch slap Larry , and then lock him up in a car for 2 weeks thats full of cats that have only been fed Tabasco sauce for the past week.Then pull him out and bitch slap him again. :fire:Larry ... what a punk bitch ... Good luck Dude ...
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    Growing inside mall...busted

    Thats one big joint ...
  17. S

    Transplanting 2' plants HELP PLEASE

    Dude Man , I think that if you started a plant in the winter time to put outside for spring and summer I don't think that plant will do very well.A :leaf: plant has only so long of a life cycle and by extending that past what is normal , may turn out to be a disipointment for you.I mean think...
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    female pre-flowers

    Thanks for posting that dude :peace: