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  1. B

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Thanks everyone for the assistance. I decided with everyone's help to go with 6 boards with the 2 x HLG 240H-C2100A (5x5) and 2 boards with a HLG 120H-C1050B (2x4).
  2. B

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    HLG-240H-C2100 with 2 or 3 or 4 boards for 250 Watts Would running more boards be more beneficial? Say 3 boards on a 240H-C2100A each? If I am able to push the drivers to roughly 300 watts, is it around 100 watts per board if I run 3 on each driver vs 150 watts on 2 boards per driver? With...
  3. B

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    I have a couple of questions before I order the rest of my parts as I have only DIY'd a couple of COB light setups. I would like to run 4 panels in my 5x5 tent over my 4x4 tray for flowering. I would like the panels to cover the full 5x5 area. I have two HLG 240H-2100(A) coming and I would...
  4. B

    can [email protected] run 5 cxb3590s 36v

    This thread might help you if you haven't already seen it. These might help you as well...