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  1. Eli_420g


    okay so I didn't really know what thread to post this in, but I've got a question. Im getting my income tax soon and it will be deposited on an emerald card that is NOT linked to my bank account. I plan to buy supplies for a grow online, but I'm trying not to raise any suspicion. Do you guys...
  2. Eli_420g

    Thoughts on this tent package?

    Nice, I've got a T5 that I'll probably use for vegging. I'll put them in the tent under the 600w for flowering.
  3. Eli_420g

    Thoughts on this tent package?

    I plan to grow 3-4 plants, so I'm going for nice yield. I'll be growing in a shed that has a pad lock. I want to keep a regular growing schedule. no down time type of thing. A steady supply is what I'm aiming for.
  4. Eli_420g

    Thoughts on this tent package?

    Quantum 600w HPS/MH lamp fixture, dimmable from 75% and 50%, has a timer as well. 3x3 tent Has everything required for ventilation Price is a little over $500 after tax. I'm getting my income tax soon so I'm wondering if this would be a good investment.
  5. Eli_420g

    Thoughts on this tent setup?

    Whoops wrong thread.. lol
  6. Eli_420g

    Thoughts on this tent setup?

    So this comes with pretty much everything except nutes and soil. Quantum 600w MH/HPS lamp fixture, dimmable from 75% and 50% Veg and flower bulbs are included 3x3 grow tent, air cooled, carbon filter Light timer Basically everything that is required for a Grow. Price is about $490-$500...
  7. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    Yea I understand, I'll just stick with a 250w hps for flowering.
  8. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    I only have one, and no room for more. I think I'll go 250w hps for flowering. Lol
  9. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    First off, nice grow man and how many lumens does your T5 put out all together? Mine is a 4 bulb fixture 216w 20k lumens
  10. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    Thanks man, I'll look into it
  11. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    I have a small attic that I could use for exhaust, and then I could get fresh air ventilated into the closet from my room. Think that'll work?
  12. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    Closet is 4' 6" in length & 1' 11" in width. I'll post pic to get a better idea. Lol ignore the tiny bud in the pic
  13. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    I'll just use my T5 for veg and get a 400w or 600w hps to flower. Would that be enough? I'll look for some easy ventilation setups.
  14. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    Thanks man
  15. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    What about LST? the plants that I've seen are wider with most of the bud sites near the top. Also, ventilation is an issue. All I have for ventilation is a small fan. The heat would probably be too hard on a plant.
  16. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    I'm only going for one plant, and it's more for practice instead of yield.
  17. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    So you're saying a T5 Isn't enough to produce buds? Keep in mind, yield isn't really what I'm after
  18. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    Sounds like a good option. Could I buy 3 or 4 cfl bulbs and place them around to make up for the low light coverage?
  19. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    I'm not looking to make huge buds, just a descent size that I can smoke on
  20. Eli_420g

    I have a question

    i could afford a better light, I just don't have a way to ventilate heat, besides a small fan in the Grow space. Anything better than a T5 would be too hot.