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  1. M

    NO matter what i DO this keeps happening...HELP

    I have just one pump and 1 airstone but its like a giant wand it was like $5 bux at wal -mart it seems to getting tons of oxygen. The bubbling seems to happen no matter what happens whether i use 1/2 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon there becomes foaming bubbles that are white colored and thye tend to...
  2. M

    NO matter what i DO this keeps happening...HELP

    I have a 2 month old plant and its not doing very well due to the fact no matter what i do I cant get the container its in to stop foaming up and bubbling after a day after i put solution in.... I clean it every week throuroughly and wipe it down.. I have a water culture setup where i have a...
  3. M

    male or female??

    thanks i just yanked it and threw it away...I hope i did this in time.. IT wasnt yet flowering and my light cycle is 18/6 .. Do you think it has already pollinated or spread to other plants or does it do that when it flowers?
  4. M

    male or female??

    This is my first grow and i can't tell if this is male or female.. at first i thought it was developing pistols but now im not so sure..
  5. M

    HELP!!! is it male or female???

    I have a couple of month and a half old babies growing and I'm not sure if this one is male or female.. its still in the vegetative states. at first i thought it appeared to have pistols possibly but now im not too sure and if its male i want to get it away from my other plants... i have a...