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  1. D

    Marijuana Morning sickness, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis.

    okay folks....its been a while now... i'm feeling better, my sickness and the other problems are gone. And i still/again happily smoke. An internist said i suffered from a serious but common intestinal infection...but thats just a guess he did. (he had no look inside me) It took so long, because...
  2. D

    Marijuana Morning sickness, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis.

    Hi alex! Thanks so much for your quick reply and your advice :) Since I take the pills, I am able to eat and drink "normally"! (Still less than normal and still very cautios) So dehydration and weakness is not the problem here... just in the morning before I took one I need to throw up... but...
  3. D

    Marijuana Morning sickness, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis.

    hey there everybody. i'm new here, i just started the account because of this article. i think your knowledge is wider and more advanced than the doctors so you can help me better. i'm no mother-tongued english-speaker so please forgive me my mistakes. i'm a 20 year old female and started...