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    Are my plants ready to harvest?

    They went through some pretty bad nitrogen deficiency and my gf pulled off a lot of the fan leave that were yellow they all started bloom on September 4
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    Are my plants ready to harvest?

    This is my first grow
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    Are my plants ready to harvest?

    They started off indoor as clones I veggd for 2 months started bloom on September 4 had to move them outside due to electric bill complaints and they aren't doing as well as indoors my sativa seems like a slow bloomer
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    Computer fan

    They are really tiny not regular size
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    Computer fan

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    Computer fan

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    Computer fan

    Anybody know we're i can get power adapter or cables to power a old nidec alpha v ta450 fan I found? It's for my grow box I'm making
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    Any advice/opinion for first time grower

    I got some heavy duty zip ties I hung t5 at highest point to get the most use out of small space I have and just place boxes or something to elevate pants while small and remove boxes once they get bigger
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    Any advice/opinion for first time grower

    Its on the far right ya it is growing kinda faster than my indicas
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    Any advice/opinion for first time grower

    I had my indica outdoor but it wasn't doing good brought it back in think I could get back to normal or is it a lost cause?
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    Any advice/opinion for first time grower

    OK thanks I will look upmylar blankets
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    Any advice/opinion for first time grower

    How much bigger do they get during flowering?
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    Any advice/opinion for first time grower

    Thank you very much I appreciate the advice :) any other tips u have for growing with t5's by chance?
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    Any advice/opinion for first time grower

    OK thanks I'll look up those methods but do you think I can flower with the same lights that come with t5 for 12/12 cycle or will I have to change to a redish spectrum bulb ?
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    Any advice/opinion for first time grower

    How do I keep them small? Do I have to start flowering or top them? ?
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    Any advice/opinion for first time grower

    I have 3 indicas and 1 sativa clone under 4 2 foot 24 watt t5's 8000 lumens all in coco with some nutrients is this a decent set up? I'm on a budget i keep humidity at 28-40 percent temperature at 68-75 at night lights off only fans running and during day 75-83 they are at veging