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  1. P

    When do I call a plant too far gone? Newbie

    Sorry for the late update. I found out my PPM was through the roof on this. I flushed the plants with some Kleanse from CYCO mixed with plenty of water. Shes doing much better now and new growth is looking healthy. Not sure why this one wasnt absorbing the nutrients as the rest. All my plants...
  2. P

    When do I call a plant too far gone? Newbie

    I have 2 Cookie Kush plants that are having some bad days. Much of the lower leaves have fallen off and died. The newer leaves are clawed with some tips dying/spotting. Are these too far gone? I have flushed them with ph water the last week and havent added any nutrients. I allowed the soil to...
  3. P

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone, Im a first time grower. This is an indoor grow in 2 tents. Each roughly 4x8 feet. I jumped in feet first and started with 24 plants. 20 Cookie Kush and 4 LSD..a lot for my first grow... I have 2400 watts using LED lights in each tent, using General Hydroponics Flora series for...