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  1. N

    You know you have too much time on your hands when...

    Some of that stuff is incredible..
  2. N

    How Long Do You Guys Chief For?

    Well being as Im new, and Ive only smoked with 2 other people, we just puff exhale, puff exhale and pass.. it works real good for us so far. Im ready to see what a bong hit is like tho! I will find out this weekend. haha.
  3. N

    Noob from Smoklahoma

    Whats up ya'll? Im new to the site and new to smoking. Been smokin somewhat regular for about 2 weeks now maybe. Man I have ALOT to learn.bongsmilie
  4. N

    Sparks Oklahoma Bike Rally?

    I didnt get to go this year, but I went in 06 and 07 during the summer rally. Sparks is a GREAT place.. such a blast.