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  1. N

    Changing lighting times

    Ah nice one, that was what I was thinking but wanted to hear it from someone in the know
  2. N

    Changing lighting times

    Yea no doubt it will change into flower when it wants to ,it was the changing light schedule each week I was wondering about
  3. N

    Changing lighting times

    Hey all, I'm currently growing 4 of my freebies, one of which is an auto other 3 are photos and I switched them to 12/12 this weekend. I work 1 week night and 1 week days shifts. When on days I get up at lights out time and come back in at lights on time. So my question is would I be able to...
  4. N

    Have I got a herm?

    Wish I asked here before as I found same on my last batch of green poison and took them down early
  5. N

    Have I got a herm?

    thanks man, been having a look round forum at other posts and thought they might be ok, but thanks for putting my mind at rest, as i was starting to get a little worried!
  6. N

    Have I got a herm?

    Hi guys, Iv been trying some killer kush f1 and they are coming along great. Iv put 4 in and 3 seem to be more sativa , long and stretchy and I have 2 seems to be very indinca leaning. They are in week 5 now and growing great,drinking lots of water and gaining weight.iv just checked them and...
  7. N

    Leaf spots

    I thought so much, or was hoping that anyway. Thanks very much
  8. N

    Leaf spots

    Top right is the BB Nl with the problem
  9. N

    Leaf spots

    cheers mate,thats phosphorus i assume? sorry its only my second grow and im still learning!
  10. N

    Leaf spots

    hi all, I have 3 green poisons and 1 big bud northern lights in my tent . green poison have around a week to go and leaves are starting to lighten up and yellow a little and I read that this is normal, but my BB/nl has around another 2 weeks to go and is fattening up nicely but some leaves have...
  11. N

    low light grow

    Great will do guys ty
  12. N

    low light grow

  13. N

    low light grow

    hey all, i gave my dad a bubba kush seed a few months ago and he planted it in his conservetory without much expectation but its turned out to be fucking massive! problem is its now into what seems to me to be into like week 5 of flower and it has some right big ass buds on it, but its getting...
  14. N

    hso bubba kush first grow

    Think it must have been the heavies I was giving it causing the burn then as it only started to happen shortly after I started them.thouhh if that is acceptable burn this far on in flowering I suppose it's doing no damage to my buds
  15. N

    hso bubba kush first grow

    Ty mate, I'm happy with my results so far, a lot of thanks to this forum for the info iv gotten from here. The bubbs has a long veg time and quite long flower and ain't a great yeilder, just so ya know te
  16. N

    hso bubba kush first grow

    Yea mate I'm just gonna give her water from now on as she nearly done anyway, hopefully temps won't be an issue on the next grow as Iv got a tent. Not sure wether it's full of n or not if your judging by the deep green leaves as this strain is known for that
  17. N

    hso bubba kush first grow

    no, dont think its going to yeild as much as i would like, looking at it maybe 3oz, but smells loverly
  18. N

    hso bubba kush first grow

    hi all, first time grower here just went into week 8 of my bubba kush plant.this started off as a space bucket grow made out of an old bin but as the weeks went on and i started reading up on here i thought fuck it im gonna do this properly chopped the top off the bin insulated a room out bought...