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    Moldy weed?

    I'm going into medical science, so I bitch out a lot sometimes, but inhaling spores isn't something smart to do - don't need to consult a doctor to know spores can grow inside your lungs, my main issue is just spotting the mold
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    Moldy weed?

    thanks dude, appreciate the reply
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    Is this moldy?

    Do you guys think there's any mold on this? There's a lot more from where this came from, and it's really old (like 7+ months old lol), it's really dry, too If not, how can I tell if there's mold on weed?
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    Moldy weed?

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    Moldy weed?

    Sorry guys I forgot about this shit lol, but here's a pic (found a little left in my pocket so took a pic of it) This thread's probably dead so I might have to post it again?
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    Moldy weed?

    Hey guys, made an account to ask a serious question: So I bought about 8-10 grams of weed about 7-8 months ago, smoked about 2-3 grams, but I had to go on a family vacation so I left the weed in my basement. Basically, the weed was closed in 2 plastic bags and wrapped inside a shirt and then I...