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  1. Edna Baptist

    Edna baptist, day 27 of flower [LOTS OF PICTURES) crown royal* shed grow

    I always grow feminized seeds, today right now i looked at the thermometer, and its 94. seems to always be 94 during the day but cooling off down to 60s at night now which is nice, gets the shed nice and cool, im hoping to let them get as cool as possible to bring out that purpling, cause they...
  2. Edna Baptist

    Edna baptist, day 27 of flower [LOTS OF PICTURES) crown royal* shed grow

    yeah, ive been chekcing them a couple of times a day to, also because i upped their nutes by about 3x as the one guy recommended, and because its been in the high 90s some days here, which is why i thought it would make sense for them to have gone hermi on me.
  3. Edna Baptist

    Edna baptist, day 27 of flower [LOTS OF PICTURES) crown royal* shed grow

    Its the next day, I have checked the plant every time the light comes on to make sure there are no "bananas" like ive seen pictured. I see nothing of the sorts. but I did add a little 13w bulb (its all i got) for the corner tops that didnt seem to be getting as much light from the hps. I know it...
  4. Edna Baptist

    Edna baptist, day 27 of flower [LOTS OF PICTURES) crown royal* shed grow

    Bananas? what do you mean lol Ok I looked up what you were talking about, i just checked my plant over for them cause that isnt something I would have been looking for or noticed before, it looks good to me but im not sure, i will post more close up pics of buds tomorrow.
  5. Edna Baptist

    Edna baptist, day 27 of flower [LOTS OF PICTURES) crown royal* shed grow

    the other guy suggested i am feeding too much lol, :s and what you are saying is reflecting what the package says.
  6. Edna Baptist

    Edna baptist, day 27 of flower [LOTS OF PICTURES) crown royal* shed grow

    I have been giving the 3.5ml per plant once a week, in about 4 liters of water in every plant. so 3.5ml to 4l. plus cal-mag, am I supposed to be giving it 3.5ml in EVERY liter? or just 3.5ml per plant?
  7. Edna Baptist

    Edna baptist, day 27 of flower [LOTS OF PICTURES) crown royal* shed grow

    9 weeks after you flipped to 12/12? or 9 weeks after the pistols first showed because im not sure when to start counting the weeks lol I have no ppm meter so I would not know, I am using Cal mag as directed weekly, (5ml) and im using a little hair less than 5 ml of my nutes, which is this...
  8. Edna Baptist

    Edna baptist, day 27 of flower [LOTS OF PICTURES) crown royal* shed grow

    i just raised the LED light, HPS plants seem to be doing fine. and nice, does your crown royal look like mine?
  9. Edna Baptist

    Edna baptist, day 27 of flower [LOTS OF PICTURES) crown royal* shed grow

    some shots of my scrog, just a 150w hps two plants, in soil. 5 gallon buckets Some of my mars hydro 600w, (278 true watts) cannot figure out what that...
  10. Edna Baptist

    Update on my Crown Royal scrog, Edna Baptist

    So I have just put my plants into flower, they are in a 3 x 3 scrog with a 150w HPS, also I have one more crown royal plant under a mars 600w light, in 5 gallon pales. the two in scrog, under the HPS are doing amazing, growing lots every day constantly reaching for the light, no...
  11. Edna Baptist

    what is the cheapest nutients for flower on amazon?

    Update, The one plant that is not in scrog (under 600w mars pluto) looks to not be too healthy, red/puple stems, leafs not looking good over all, has not been for a few weeks now. i have not had the money untill this month though to buy cal mag, and flowering nutes (I used barely any nutes at...
  12. Edna Baptist

    what is the cheapest nutients for flower on amazon?

    I am using regular cheap, nute free soil and i'm using a 150w hps on two of the plants in scrog, and a 278w ('600") watt mars hydro LED panel. it's in my shed that gets hot sometimes becaue the weather has been around 90 degrees, sometimmes over 100 and I have no real way to cool it besides a...
  13. Edna Baptist

    what is the cheapest nutients for flower on amazon?

    Like this? And yes its in soil.
  14. Edna Baptist

    what is the cheapest nutients for flower on amazon?

    also just to add, my plants were just switched to 12/12 so i dont need veg nutes just flower. i dont have much money
  15. Edna Baptist

    what is the cheapest nutients for flower on amazon?
  16. Edna Baptist

    how much should I expect to yield from these 3 plants?

    Yes, as i said its been about 90+ outside :( and i have no real way of cooling off the building, but it seems to somehow stay a couple degrees cooler than outside, a couple of the plants are suffering a little from the heat, the one you see budding has purple stems so i suspect it has a mag def...
  17. Edna Baptist

    how much should I expect to yield from these 3 plants?

    if i got a quarter pound i think i'd be plenty happy
  18. Edna Baptist

    how much should I expect to yield from these 3 plants?

    how much would a 150 watt hps and a 600w mars hydro light get that really draws 278 watts get out of a shed that has 0 reflection? other than the hps hood ofcourse and what would be the best wat to use them together? im thinking put one plant by itself under the led and two in scrog under the...