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  1. Mhollywood

    Purple in a bad way. Late flowering.

    A month and a half I think maybe 2 I forget, topped it as well. This one has been a baby weird runt from day 1. The other plants finished beautifully about a week ago.
  2. Mhollywood

    Purple in a bad way. Late flowering.

    Thanks I appreciate the look!
  3. Mhollywood

    Purple in a bad way. Late flowering.

  4. Mhollywood

    Purple in a bad way. Late flowering.

    Hello everybody! Hope all is well! Got one plant left (the runt) in late flowering and has been flushed for a little over a week now. He started showing purple in between the veins and not the good kind. I live in SoCal and its hot here. The purpleish color is now spreading to the buds but...