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  1. M

    Seedling/clones yellowing help!

    Soil ph is hanging around 6.5 last time I checked and idk about the water. My meter is soil only not water
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    Seedling/clones yellowing help!

    Well at first they were in plain soil no nutes. And I thought they were lacking nitro for some reason so I added a tid bit and still same as they were. I also changed the soil in the container to a cheap soil from Walmart called Pennington. Yea I kno that ain't helping any but I always do a...
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    Seedling/clones yellowing help!

    Clones were taking from flower
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    Seedling/clones yellowing help!

    If pics are needed let me know. Also both were sitting I. The window sill with not enough light at first and idk if that could be it and then goin straight to direct light.
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    Seedling/clones yellowing help!

    Alright so I have got some clones and some seedlings going. Reason being I'm not a 100% confident on the cloning and don't wanna mess my cycle up. But anyways both are extremely yellow and idk if it too much light for both or too much water!
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    If pics are needed let me kno
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    Or anyone that has some pointers that won't get there panties in a bunch!!
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    Hahaha lmao! Why so hostile fellas. Sounds like someone needs to take some meds and chill. So yea the smoke is great. And btw cheeze. I got some seedlings and clones. I'm not a 100% on the cloning yet so did some clones and seeds. The thing is they are all extremely yellow? Any help would be great
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    Hahaha lmao! Why so hostile fellas. Sounds like someone needs to take some meds and chill. So yea the smoke is great. And btw cheeze. I got some seedlings and clones. I'm not a 100% on the cloning yet so did some clones and seeds. The thing is they are all extremely yellow? Any help would be great
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    Trying a new method to the slow dry and cure! Seems to be working out really well though. Try to get a good dry in at least 5-7 days and throw in jars. Humidity gauge in the jars and just above 70 percent. Then burp for a 12 hr period or so and jar for 12 hrs and so on and so forth. Until it...
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    Haha yea that's what I figured! And that's the way I look at it man. Turned out to b dank tho and that's what ya want. Just sampled tho. As its still in cure.
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    Hey man like I had said its fine by me either way. Don't matter what it is. As long as it works. But yea switchhitter gets emotional about the bd!
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    Harvested half at 68 days and other at 75! Whatcha think! Any ideas on strain? If not "BD"
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    Hey thx for all the replies even to the d bags! I don't believe everything I hear but when there a thousand different strains how do u really know what u have. And honestly I don't really care what it is as long as it gets u high! Does the job for me!
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    Damn that's not exactly what ya wanna hear when ya think it is harvest time!! My cousin lived in Seattle and bought them from a seed bank! Y? Don't look like bd
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    I am using cfls due to the heat in the grow room gets too high and is only 3x2x4
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    And yes they need water, but I thought I was close to harvest so I haven't
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    How much longer ya think? And what kind of info will help. The last strain took 21/2 months till harvest and the blue dream harvest window is supposed to b 55 to 65 days. The trichs are cloudy a little mix of Amber and a slight bit more clear towards the bottoms
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    BLUE DREAM! Harvest time?

    On day 56 after turning to 12/12. I haven't had this strain before and seems to be done if not a few days to week at most. Need some opinions if they r ready to chop. Thx