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    How to smoke when you still live with parents?

    This guy in my class knew where to get it and I went along with his friends after school one day and joined them for a smoke. But everyone's going to different post-secondary schools now and they don't go to mine.
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    How to smoke when you still live with parents?

    But since I'm not living on campus how do I not get caught?
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    How to smoke when you still live with parents?

    C'mon any advice for a new smoker?
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    How to smoke when you still live with parents?

    First post. So I just graduated from high school and am going to college but because it's only 20 minutes away from home my parents didn't pay for residence. I'm a newbie to smoking having only tried it once (but didn't get high.) within the past year but want to try again. My question is where...