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    Mother Plant

    Thanks everybody that was a lot of help
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    Mother Plant

    Need help on taking care of mother plant does good for the first 6 - 8 months but then starts to wither and looks real sickly and the clones off it don't do good either
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    A Videoman Challenge

    When people get their panties too tight they say and do things they regret like here and now and that gets us in trouble being the nature of this site we don't need that lets focus on our common cause and if it works it works and if it don't it don't leason learned and that my friend is what its...
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    3000 Kelvin Light?

    A/C Try this first turn off the breaker or through the disconnect off take the cover off the area where the coil is the raditor looking thing with garden water hose flush out the coil and fan area do not water soak the eletrical box area and if you do just wait for it to dry spray...
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    How to keep animals out

    good post. Here is something else that works real good. Fake snakes my mom taught me that one in the veg garden it works Bedding from dog house bigger the dog the better to make the sent last longer using mother nature from that area and build a lean to over the bedding. Big out door dogs work...
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    San pedro I have the instruction on my hard drive how do I get them to you I think it's attached I'm new at this
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    nice plant I'd like to know about the online pot store
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    A Videoman Challenge

    Talk about being smart check this out master licenced tx electrician TEC11302 I know who and where you are and who you work for. If the feds read this post they won't let you grow in jail. I think you need to back off videoman we like him he helps and don't want to fight with no one. So ask...
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    Room temp???????

    If the house is attached to the garage you might think to run duct work and a small fan to suck warm house air through the grow room but you would need good filter during flower stage. That small heater is prob the best idea with good insulation it won't many WATTS
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    I Need Clone Help Please ASAP

    If you run into more of those kinds of problems Google it Google knows everything and thats how I found this cool place. Congrats on the card wish I had one and I hope your not terminal to get it. Please forgive us and keep coming back. Most people here are past cool and down right helpful...
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    Homemade HPS?

    watts X hours X your KW cost / 1000 400 12 .08 1000 = .384 thats 38 cents for 12 hours 400 12 .17 1000 = .81 thats 81 cents for 12 hours The formula is right and it works you can find KWH cost on your ele bill. But at the end of the...
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    Cloning Question...

    Nice setup I think it will do fine. I have to do things the cheap way so I got rooting compound from Kroger soaked sharp scissors in alcohol cut on 45 put in compound then in the 5 gal bucket added little miracle gro 15-30-15 full strength took the top off 100 spindle cd pack sprayed the inside...
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    can't get ph down

    Keep adding more or try white vinager
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    Great site and friendly. Looking for good seeds that ship to the states and some guide lines to keep my but out of trouble. I have never ordered seeds. Just used the one out of the bag. Time to moven on up.
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    Not Flowering need help

    you guys are fast and good. I'll start by making sure the room is sealed better. Working on getting me some better lights. :peace: Then I'm going to bitch slap it.
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    Not Flowering need help

    I used seed from bag of pot so I don't know what kind it is. I have been following instuctions from the grow bible. I'm in the veg stage using 20-10-20 The first plant was male. This plant I don't know. It won't flower. The plant is about 2.5 months old. It's 23 inches tall and 19 inches wide. I...