I don't see why not. I've been looking at this sensor the past days too...Comparing the datasheets the only difference I could spot was the response time (higher on the Z19), other than that and the price (Z19 is cheaper) they seem identical. I like tha casing of the Z16 better though.
you can have multiple sensors/devices all sharing the i2c lines, meaning all the i2c devices will share the two hardware connections SCL/SDA. Then each device has a fixed (or variable to a limited degree) address (e.g. 0x27 for LCD). You can google and download a sketch called "i2c Scanner"...
Hey razorbac, I have developed it further so here's some notes:
- Use an LCD with i2c interface, much simpler, no need for all the wires I have. Also go with a 20x4, much nicer.
- Use a seperate dc-dc regulator that draws power from the 7.5dc input and tune it to 5v. If you have devices/sensors...
dandyrandy the construction looks really neat, congrats friend. So you're running 8@50w on each heatsink, does it get hot ? You heatsink is beast compared to the one in my design and I was worried it will get hot, I'm on the lookout for alternatives. I want it for a 4x4 tent but I've never made...
dandyrandy throw a link when you get around to it, id love to see it
BM9AGS I'm not sold on the water cooling, i've tried it on my PC ..works well but needs maintenance and replacing
the tubes every 1-2 years.
Abiqua, passive sinks do keep the lights within operating temperatures but...
been thinking about this idea to use a few heatsink rails, to form a 80x80cm square and cover them with rentagular pvc pipes to make something like a cooltube fixture. Whacha think ?
Bubblegum, I vent during the dark in a low setting to keep temp/hum in check. The problem is during the light period when you're pumping co2 and humidity skyrockets. I don't think you should be worried about the dark period, you could vent or not ..i don't think it really matters.
There's no doubt that white light contains all spectra and they probably all benefit the photosynthetic process in different degrees. In addition there is recent proof (1) that RBW is better than RB. However I am interested in optimization hence the question of whether RB should be supplemented...
for those hard to reach places, attach your hose to a stick on one end and a little pump (285lt/h) on the other and drop it in your bucket of water, plug & water.
Thanks for replying, don't want to sound rude or difficult but it doesn't really answer the question.
Whites may have plenty of blue and red but if red and blue is what we want for why not go with red and blue?
I'm trying to understand the logic behind it.
Hello everyone,
So what's the deal with color spectra ? There seems to be a debate whether whites are better than reds and blues. Some scientific journals I've looked up mention whites for algae ..but algae is underwater and red is the first color to go even at 5ft so that makes sense. Another...
Ok, so here's an update.. a zip with the code/libraries/schematic and a few pics :)
Use a 7-7.5 vdc power for the arduino to keep the regulator temperatures low
and add 5vdc power to drive the relays inside the relay box.
Hello everyone,
Another little DIY project of mine, pretty easy to make, check out the construction process:
This box is put in a closed loop outside the tent with another small toilet inline fan circulating the air. It does work just don't expect it to produce gallons. The peltier...
Thanks man!
It's operating clockwork although I'm having the occasional crash problem when the CO2 sensor is turned on sometimes, still working that out. Other than that I had some issues with power because I was feeding the arduino 12v and the internal regulator got really hot trying to convert...
Hello everyone,
I wanna share with you my DIY Arduino project that controls CO2, Temperature and Humidity levels. As far as I've seen most commercial solutions tackle those variables independently, the purpose of my project is to have them talk to each-other and work together. Right now I'm in...