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  1. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Thanks Corey I'll give you a shout if get stuck, cheers for your help
  2. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Thanks Corey, I'll look into those now.
  3. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Will do, I don't expect to have an issue with it backing up as there is a lot of rain here! And no issue with it backing so far but I will check as per your advice.
  4. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    There is a drain (open drain hole in the ground with plastic cover) just outside the space. My kitchen water drainage from the house goes here and have never had issues with it backing up, yet! Do you mean do I have a floor drain inside the space? In that case, no.
  5. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Thats solves 1 problem then!
  6. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Very much appreciated renfro and looks like I have some more work to do planning as you say prior to buying kit. More reading and work to do!
  7. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Is this the case growing in DWC also? I'm looking at 1-2 oxypots in this space......
  8. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Fantastic thanks so much for your help Renfro :)
  9. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    I'm sorry to be an idiot here but the fan intakes air into the tent and the ducting removes the air, is that correct? I'm looking at this fan.......?
  10. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Thanks for the links I'll look into this. I always wondered how images I saw on this site of branched out (tree like) plants we're achieved! Now I know. Cheers
  11. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Thanks for this. I'll get a builder friend of mine to look into a hole in the concrete
  12. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Ah I understand, I didn't think of opening the door! Thanks for flagging that up. No it's not legal here but the space is completely out of view from any neighbours and in a locked back yard away from sight. Would it be possible to just leave the ducting in the open space of the cupboard, near...
  13. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Why is that an issue please?
  14. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Thanks for this. I haven't heard of this technique, easy for a newbie? I'll search the forums for this process
  15. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    My plan was to cut a hole in the door rather than the concrete!
  16. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Thanks for reply. Can you confirm what extraction you use and if 4/5inch extractor is sufficient? I'm guessing SoCal is in southern califormia? I'm in the Uk where the winters and summesr are much colder, hence my concern with the cold.......
  17. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Thanks for your reply. What's the height of your 2x4 tent? Is 180cm (5.9ft) enough headroom for the plants with oxypots?
  18. D

    Upgrading to CMH query

    Hi Beginner here. I've been running the below kit in a spare room with mixed results: 75x75x100cm grow tent 2 xCFL 250W Desk fan blowing in the tent growing in soil - usually 2-3 autos I have got hold of a 315 Ceramic MH on the cheap and thinking of getting the below as a new set up and...
  19. D

    Germinating seeds HELP

    Hello I have been germinating seeds in soil for a while to decent effect. I live in the UK and have them in a mini box greenhouse in my conservatory. However, this time 5 out of 8 seeds didn't germinate. The things I changed from my usual way is as below: I used multipurpose compost not...
  20. D

    Holiday leaving plants 1 week help / advice!

    Thanks for your replies - I'll leave in the tent and water heavily before leaving and a friend will water after 3 days heavily again. Let's hope they're ok...! Any info on how growers think my feminised non autos will do on 18-6 cycle? They are looking good but no flower stems after 2 weeks...