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  1. Talkenlate04


    Generally you dont water first, that would be how noobies end holding the remains of their root mass because it collapsed in their hands unexpectedly. Dry is far better. They roots will all stay together and theres less weight strain on the mass as its being worked out of the pot and being...
  2. Talkenlate04

    My plants seem a bit small for week 4 veg

    Mine were 15-19" and I am on week 3. The only ones that are stretching are the blue dreams. The other 5 have not stretched at all but are budding from all over. I wont get anywhere near 4ft. I am also running twin 1000w hps lights.
  3. Talkenlate04

    First time grower

    Only thing is you might have to adjust the height of the new light. Since its stronger the heat output will be higher and if it's at the wrong height you will burn your plants.
  4. Talkenlate04

    First time grower

    No it will not harm it. It wants as much light as you can give.
  5. Talkenlate04

    Week 3 almost done......question

    I am using FloraNova bloom. Its just the lighting in the pics. They are good. Have not had a single problem. Plants are on average 12-15" tall, and 26-30" wide. And no I did not use veg nutes into flower.
  6. Talkenlate04

    Is this a male ?

    Yep balls balls and more balls.
  7. Talkenlate04

    Week 3 almost done......question

    My plan is just to add molasses along with my FloraNova and home made cal/phos. I like cheap and effective lol. I did see the Rock resin price and choked a little lol. That seems step. You are the second person to recommend big bud though.
  8. Talkenlate04

    holes in the leaves

    Think you got something sampling your plant. See any critters hanging out? Check the underside of the leaves and what not?
  9. Talkenlate04

    Week 3 almost done......question

    Looking to get some opinions on a finisher product to use. (week 3 half way done) I have been recommended Rock Resinator and Big Bud. Any one have other opinions/experiences/recommendations? Thanks in advance. Few pics of my gals below.
  10. Talkenlate04

    How much longer until you can tell the sex?

    24 hr light is good and pointless. There is no plant that gets 24/7 light. Plants benefit from a rest period imo. 18/6.
  11. Talkenlate04

    Trying to determine sex

    Have you looked at all of photos of female pre flower pistils? They are kinda obvious once you see them. I have a great photo I took that shows them well, but photobuckets down so I cant load it at the moment.
  12. Talkenlate04

    Trying to determine sex

    That's not pistils. It's just new leaf growth.
  13. Talkenlate04

    The good critters.

    The first thing I thought when I saw her was woosahhhhhhhh lol.
  14. Talkenlate04

    The good critters.

    Lil gal defending my garden. She is gonna starve though, not one insect to be found on my plants.
  15. Talkenlate04

    Baked my plant for at least 4 hours...

    Ahh I see. Well hopefully you get it up and running well for the next run.
  16. Talkenlate04

    Baked my plant for at least 4 hours...

    Yes but he said it was in there with no ventilation. It seems counter productive, and being surprised with the results is what gets me lol. But hopefully you can save them, worst you can do is try and fail.
  17. Talkenlate04

    Baked my plant for at least 4 hours...

    May I ask why the plant was in a fridge box for hrs? I mean Ive read a lot of things.......but this is new.
  18. Talkenlate04

    Help with first grow

    Seems silly though learning the hard way if someone else has already done it for you and posted about it lol.
  19. Talkenlate04

    Help with first grow

    Meh everyone seems to have their way, and if they dont know of another way then it just cant be true lol. Ive learned so far this is a take it with a grain of salt hobby. And try it for yourself to learn.