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  1. Y

    what is wrong ?

    thanks i will know for next season thanks everyone for your help hopefully next time it will be better
  2. Y

    what is wrong ?

    thanks guys ok i will harvest the leafs turned yellow so i presume it is time i will keep you guys posted with what happens
  3. Y

    what is wrong ?

    thankyou next time round i will keep more leaf i will keep watching them and keep them out of direct sunlight hopefully it gets better or do you think i should just harvest ?
  4. Y

    what is wrong ?

    it is not really squishy feels more crispy than anything else, and what do you mean cut them down ? as in harvest both the sativa and indica ?
  5. Y

    what is wrong ?

    hey guys i am a first time grower i have a sativa plant and an indica which is close to being finished i presume ? i recently noticed it was getting burnt and i presume it is light burn so i have kept them out of the sun i have attached photos because i really do not know what to do now i have...