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  1. G blaze

    fucking mould!!!

    yeah pretty much lost more than half the plant had to cut off the main cola and could only save the bottom half of the plant, spewin!
  2. G blaze

    fucking mould!!!

    it's been out in the rain for a week while I was away. pretty much lost more than half the plant after chopping it
  3. G blaze

    fucking mould!!!

    cheers, I've cut it out and hasn't seemed to spread too much
  4. G blaze

    fucking mould!!!

  5. G blaze

    fucking mould!!!

    just found mould on my plant. can I cut it off or is the whole plant fucked??
  6. G blaze

    first timer auto, how's she lookin?

    im pretty happy with the Mars hydro seems to be doing the job just fine. i just harvested and got 3 ounces and the plant had a hard start to life and came through in the end:weed:
  7. G blaze

    Drying and curing

    it was an Auto sensi seeds super skunk that said it would be done in 10 weeks. can only go up from here:peace:
  8. G blaze

    Drying and curing

    great thanks, might give this a whirl next time, cheers
  9. G blaze

    Drying and curing

    yeah i thought as much. it was week eleven and all the signs like the trichs and such said she was ready. i'll definalty wait a bit longer next time. still pretty happy with the first time grow. i picked a small bud 5 days earlier, dried and smoked it and was happy with the high. ive got a...
  10. G blaze

    Drying and curing

    just harvested my first plant! I've read alot about drying and curing any hot tips for curing, drying should be pretty easy with my set up
  11. G blaze

    yellow leaves

    yeah think I'll just harvest at the same time in a week or so after I get my scope on Monday they that will tell me more. thanks for the tips. I also planted some photos outside at the same time. (you can see them in the background) totally wrong time of year as it's almost winter down here...
  12. G blaze

    yellow leaves

    there are heaps of buds at the bottom that aren't quite done, can I harvest the top ones and leave the bottom ones for a few more weeks?
  13. G blaze

    yellow leaves

    my leaves just started to go yellow on my auto. first grow in soil. is this signs of the plant finishing? it had a hard start to life but has been thriving for 8 weeks now 10 in total. getting a microscope soon to check the trichs,
  14. G blaze

    is this colouring from over feeding?

    cheers thanks
  15. G blaze

    is this colouring from over feeding?

    just noticed this discoloring on the leaves near the bud, is this from over feeding? I'm using pk 13 14, canna boost and voodoo juice. should I flush?
  16. G blaze

    what do you weed guru's think about my buds going amber, is it to soon?

    and it truly is enjoyable, each day each little growth is a rush. I've grown all types of herbs and plants over the years, it still blows my mind that this particular plant is illegal. we are especially backwards in Australia, it's only been legalised for some medical use in one state for...
  17. G blaze

    what do you weed guru's think about my buds going amber, is it to soon?

    it's the tips of the hairs on only a few buds at the top, sounds like I've still got a good while for those baby's to fatten up cheers
  18. G blaze

    what do you weed guru's think about my buds going amber, is it to soon?

    i'll take some more snaps when i get home from work this arvo:weed:
  19. G blaze

    what do you weed guru's think about my buds going amber, is it to soon?

    over 50 buds on her, pretty stoked with it so far