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  1. M

    Electoral vs popular vote

    You have MPD. How many of you are there? Off your meds?
  2. M

    Electoral vs popular vote

    He got more than he needed he could have dropped a state and still won. Its O..V..E..R..
  3. M

    Electoral vs popular vote

    When you say make a change do you mean underwear, socks or sex?
  4. M


    I was just tired of calling you stupid, so I played along with you. You have said things dumber than that so I'm not so sure how to tell if you are lying are dumb, the odds are 50/50. I ask you this Do you think, what someone else thinks will change what I think? Or that I am blown about by the...
  5. M

    President Donald J Trump .

    Sorry but I don't count dead peoples votes nor all the illegals votes. not counting all the other ways votes were stolen by her and hers.
  6. M


    See your not as stupid as everyone says. Good answer.
  7. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    Damn lou your kid has lost a lot of weight. I admit few dads take the time to train their girls to be so good at their job as you. Can she make enough to support herself now? Are you still taking the same cut?
  8. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    He has always spoke of his love for homo erectus.
  9. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    QUOTE="Big_Lou, post: 13125535, member: 934644"]Yes, we allllllllllllll know. Your kids lou?
  10. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    Thanks buck for the commitment to stick around for abuse, hell its your turn in the barrel I just wish you didn't enjoy it so much.
  11. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    Don't lie you get a tingle up your leg when you think of TRUMP.
  12. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    And won a TRUMP! The best ever trade in the history. Yes we can all agree that we are glad to see that idiot obomba get lost.
  13. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    Are they the socks you pay to have sex with? Reported for sexual abuse of socks!
  14. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    I want to know who would say such things? I must have missed that.
  15. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    Isn't that what they say when you pay for sex?
  16. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    You just want to import the to where you are at.
  17. M

    EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

    I'm not sure that I have ever had a sock on rollitup if I did it would have been the first year or two my socks were in the overgrow years. sorry but your all wet. Never slowed or anything I have had 3 or 4 warnings. I have more of a life than you as I have yet to come here and not see your...
  18. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    Slither back under your rock.
  19. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    Your nutter than a payday.
  20. M

    Anti-Trump Protests

    Sure I can you have watched me do it