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  1. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    sure, I keep notes
  2. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    Yep, its hard but Im pretty sure once we go thru it a couple times it will get easier, so I hope. I just want to grow for myself :weed:
  3. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    They both look better than mines lol
  4. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    I am guessing OP is at me? If so what does it stand for?? Well I'll go ahead and say the seeds are from Seedsman
  5. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    My tent is 2x5, I have the 2 plants. The light I adjusted closer like about 2 or 3 inches apart....I think I give up on the BB- small plant. This morning is looking beat...I still have 2 more seeds left I will like to really understand this whole process, I need step by tutorial. Someone please...
  6. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

  7. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    Roots were whitish and looked very much alive but growing onto another They were obviously running out of space in that cup
  8. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    K, Ill adjust the lights closer ;)
  9. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    hlf a cup of water for BB and about 1 cup for the WW :) how am I doing???
  10. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    Hate to say I didn't take a pic of the roots, but I went ahead and put her in the big pot. Ill show pics of both tonight. For lights I am using a 200 watt/ 2700k warm spectrum
  11. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    $bkbb..I transplanted the BB earlier today, her roots were whitish, the bottom roots going around in a circle of the cup, It seemed to me that, yes she needed to be transplanted :) Been watering them both mostly every other day. Ill show new pics tonight when they get up! lol
  12. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    Omg, I could just toss them both into the garbage barrel but instead I transplanted the Blueberry (small plant) into a big pot , also yesterday I gave her some Calmag. She's looking horrible but she grew a lot, the new top growth, all greenish n pretty...I think I'll give her few more days. So...
  13. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    Lol, which one?? There's 2, the small with the dark brown yellow spots, it's like day 4 of it showing bad signs and it looking really bad :(, then I have an older one by just a week and it's getting so tall, this one is having the bottom older leaves turning into yellow slowly...ugh this is a...
  14. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    Thank u sooo much $bkbb.. I am certainly taking all of your advice right away!! :)
  15. Cel1220

    NEED HELP !!

    I started my first grow, 4th week and problems arise...Im using Fox Farm soil, no nutes yet, just water.Small plant showing brown yellowish spots on leaves and the bigger, bottom leaves turning yellow.. Please advise any recommendations. Thank u.