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  1. S

    Brownish hairs in main stem early? Halp!

    Heya. Im wondering is my plant starting to hermie or what is causing this, i see brown hairs here and there ( like 5 ) and mostly in main stem. I did look up on some information that its starting to go hermie due to stress i have caused. Its really early, like approx 3rd week in flower. Strain...
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    Day 44 ( Northern light auto ) what u guys think?

    I havent used any nutes since postal service "lost" my order, getting new one in a couple of days. I ordered biobloom and biogrow, is those bad? Attached a pic, check it out. Peace!:bigjoint: -Soijapapu
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    what could cause this ?

    Hahahah nice1 :lol:, thanx guys!
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    what could cause this ?

    Yeah my drainage is allright i have plenty of holes in bottom and soil is some basic with very little nutes in it, so you say i just need to stop loving my girl :eyesmoke:
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    what could cause this ?

    Hi and thanks for advance. But my problem is that my lady started to look like this approx 3-4 days ago, and im kinda confused what is causing this. Strain is Northern lights Feminized auto, 250w cfl and im growing in soil. If some experts can lighten me up a little :|
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    Puffdatchronic's White Label Northern Lights Grow Journal

    Nice to know, ill be watching for sure. I was thinking to put on my journal aswell, got these white label Nls autos. And one is like 4 days from sprout :)
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    Puffdatchronic's White Label Northern Lights Grow Journal

    This thread is from 2014, but i was reading it and that shit happened, damn! Im growing same strain as in moment so would have nice to see the full blooming stage. But still, peace!
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all! Im im a ordinary dude from Scandinavia and not quite new as it comes to growing but new to the forum :) My previous succesful females that ive grown was, blue mystics, ak-48, and some randoms. Right now im growing white label automatic northern lights from sensiseeds and im at day 4...