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  1. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    day 36 flowering
  2. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    the man :), yeah couldn't be more right. without the help on this forum my plant wouldn't be as great. I'd recommend every first grower to use these forums. gather what you need and roll with it in your own way :)
  3. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

  4. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

  5. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

  6. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    nah dude haha all good :)
  7. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    the top picture is inbetween both the 6400k and 2700k, the bottom one is on the 6400k side
  8. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

  9. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    Can too much fans fuck up flowering during night??
  10. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    The closer to the light, the 'shorter' it will grow??? Always wanted to know
  11. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    yeah, don't trust them anymore though lol
  12. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    not an autoflower anymore man haha, it fucked up. its fucked me over, grew it too big now
  13. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    Heres her rear end (her crack) Here's how painfully large shes getting hahahaha!! the fans really keep the lights from burning the leafs and really keeps the temp at a constant 27c - 29c. and this is the reason why she's still alive :)
  14. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    forgot to reply to this, my bad. 11 light, 13 complete darkness.
  15. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    i've had a guy say you should prune your plant... then weeks after i pruned it, some guy comes out and says you almost killed your plant by pruning it. Its hard to tell whos right and whos wrong.
  16. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    i've been doing everything you've told me... but than theres a bunch of other guys telling me what they think, and its confusing the shit out of me. honestly... i've been doing every single thing people have been telling me... i've had it 11 light, 13 dark for awhile...
  17. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    banana sacks?? haha
  18. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    make up your mind guys hahaha, i almost chucked the plant out one night... is there a way to find out if its really an auto??? i mean i pruned it, topped it.... split the stem in half at one stage... plant almost died as well... strange?? nah didn't switch lights, i added an extra 6400k awhile...
  19. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    i'm not a stupid fuck, im a newb. im on a tight ass budget, and carbon filters are pretty fucking expensive. not everybody has money. why would anyone build a growbox without a good place for a carbon filter? the whole point of ninja, is not knowing. settled??? i wouldn't be on here if I didn't...
  20. Raw003

    First grow, how am I doing?

    im still going to keep you guys up to date. this is whats happening on the other side near the (6400) light. it seems the 6400k is doing better at flowering then the 2700k... strange?? my plants all kinds of fucked up hahaha.