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  1. Antik554

    Slow growth?

    I found out what soil i'm using, i think it's Plagron royalmix or growmix.
  2. Antik554

    Slow growth?

    Nope, should i worry about that? My leaves are very green, but also bent, a lot, i'll post a new screen tomorrow.
  3. Antik554

    Slow growth?

    Edit: wrong reply lol, i'm not sure, i threw the bag out, but they guy said that it has enough nutes for 2 weeks
  4. Antik554

    Slow growth?

    Right then! Should i keep watering adding nutriment water?
  5. Antik554

    Slow growth?

    Wow that was fast, thank youuu. I leave the lights on for 18 hours, but i'm still worried about the leaves, they shouldn't be bending like that.
  6. Antik554

    Slow growth?

    This is my first plant ever, it's 15 days old and compared to other plant that are around that age it seems younger. -I'm using a 125 watt grow light -Growing in soil -The strain in question is "bubble kush automatic" from "Royal Queen Seeds" -Fed it today for the first time with "Green House...