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  1. J

    Chop time or wait?

    I bought mine from Amsterdam marijuana seeds. It was the only one at the time i found who had WW auto in stock and shipped into the US. I think I'd like to try that royal dwarf auto that I see a lot of people talking about or an AK
  2. J

    Chop time or wait?

    I have a portable microscope and some of the trichs look cloudy then some bulks dont, or since this is my 2nd go i may just be to inexperienced to tell. But its hard to use and get a good focus. I think I'll wait another 2 weeks though. Seems like it could do no harm. Thanks for the input guys :)
  3. J

    Setup optimization 2.5x2.5x5'2"

    I'd like some expert advice on how I should go about my next grow. This time around I ran into excessive light/heat burn anf I'd like to minimize that next time. From my own measurements the start of my light sits about 4'2" from the top of the soil. The light I have is a 300w led I'd really...
  4. J

    Chop time or wait?

    Shes looking pretty solid compared to my last round which i chopped at 90 days im at day 97 now. Strain is white widow auto. Heat stress took a toll on her but i think it will still smoke well.
  5. J

    Please help diagnose

    should I pull off the dying leaves at this point or leave them?
  6. J

    Please help diagnose

    I tried some of the sticky posts but the pics in them are not visible. Please help me diagnose this. If it's light burn I'm fucked because the light is at its highest possible point now. I also ran into the idea of a phosphorus defect but I doubled up the food dosage and the issue hasn't...
  7. J

    Aurora (White Widow Auto)

    This is Aurora. Currently as of posting this she is 7 weeks old. My first grow which was Jasmine got pretty big but to big as I started her in a 5 gallon pot. Aurora is much fatter around the leaves and fuller bodied overall. She's growing this time in a 3 gallon smart pot with a mix of Fox Farm...
  8. J

    Should I harvest at this point?

    I've calculated that I'm at about 83 days from plant with this White Widow Autoflower, shes pretty dinky in general and I'm not expecting her to fatten much more but I'm wondering if I can or should pull at this point. This is my first grow and I very stupidly used mirical grow soil which has...
  9. J

    Is this a sign of light burn?

    Update I've not watered for 24 hours and the marks have stopped appearing. Additionally the leafs that were showing burn have started to show signs of recovery. At this point I also properly PHed my tap down to a 6.5 so I'm thinking that might help to decrease the over abundance of nutes...
  10. J

    Is this a sign of light burn?

    Rodger I'll just l;eave it be for now until I see the soil dry up more then I've been letting it, thanks guys :D
  11. J

    Is this a sign of light burn?

    So is it generally not advisable to water the actual leaves during watering sessions because that is something I have been doing regularly?
  12. J

    Is this a sign of light burn?

    So would I be safe to transplant it to a better grow medium/pot at this point, or should I just ride it out given that its an auto?
  13. J

    Is this a sign of light burn?

    temp is currently 72F and humidity is 42% my reader shows on the low/high ranges temp 42-83f humidity 32-71% (my guess is the high number was during one of the really hot days recently before we fixed our AC) I have large fan running in the tent which moves a lot of air, enough to see the...
  14. J

    Is this a sign of light burn?

    The drainage is something I'm not entirely sure of. I know that when I empty the 32oz bottle I have during water sessions it gets spill over out the bottom and a small puddle forms but the soil itself dose stay wet for a long time, in fact ever since I stared watering it more it hasent fully...
  15. J

    Is this a sign of light burn?

    I haven't transplanted at all actually as I read up that autos don't like being transplanted, Its sitting in what should be about a 3 gallon pot
  16. J

    Is this a sign of light burn?

    Damn I was afraid of that, so I have this sitting in mirical grow organic potting soil, will I have to transplant this to a better soil or is there another option? I guess at this point its worth noting I use straight tap water on it when I do water, ive ph tested my tap and it sits at around a...
  17. J

    Is this a sign of light burn?

    This is my first attempt at growing, strain is White Widow Auto, its a little over 4 weeks in at this point, these yellow marks just started appearing on the top yesterday has been isolated manly to the bottom leaves until now, I'm not sure if this is nute burn or light burn. its not really easy...