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  1. S

    South Texas gets Busted

    just a idea but padlock ur gate as well. I live on 25 acres out here in north cali. I have 3 fence systems. all lined up with barbed & razer wire except the outter fencing. We have alot of shrubs planted in between the fences so each set isnt to noticable, except from the sky. Its just me my dog...
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    hELP! Pics

    those pics look like they both get enough sunlight. Not enough sunlight at a young age is bad. You need some more professional outdoor growers to help you out
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    what would happen

    if i just watered them everyday like a regular plant?
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    My 6 Ft Monster Grow Updated

    im a noob so whats bagseed mean?:weed:
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    My 6 Ft Monster Grow Updated

    gorgeous plant, i'd be the guy from Harold and Kumar, and i'd be dancing with a large ass bag of weed :P
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    Hawaii growers strain

    fuk if my bra was here he'd tell ya, he be full blood hawaiian, and his family been growing since the '60s!
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    Growing, CA. November early Dec.

    i could say "he influenced me" but thats black mail and im not that vicious, i just want to get high lol!
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    Growing, CA. November early Dec.

    thats wut im playing on doing, hopefully, if this grow doesnt work out my next grow will which i'll start in january, so its ready for 4/20
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    indoor/outdoor grow

    aight, just making sure ^_^
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    Growing, CA. November early Dec.

    haha, only problem with that is, my father a ex stoner and ex grower + a total hypocrite might find it in the house, and i being the unlucky poor bastard that i am will have to resort to growing in a dog house outside lol!! so im looking at 3-3.5 months right?
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    SayWords 1st grow, seven plants

    Just out of curiousity cuz im a noob at growing what is the thing connecting the bulbs to the outlet?
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    indoor/outdoor grow

    im not sure what its called i saw in in a post this guy had lights connected to outlets in a baby crib where he was growing
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    Growing, CA. November early Dec.

    well it never gets below 75 degrees in so cal where i live, so my plants should be good, so they will bud earlier you sday, so i can smokey smokey quicker?!?! =)
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    indoor/outdoor grow

    well my seedlings r in a bucket in a dog house outside hench the inside/outside grow. lol im looking for the name of the unit which u screw the sun bulbs in that connects to a power outlet? there for producing light
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    90 wonder weed & Stadium

    im moving to the big island in a year or two, not near the tourist side though, and im going to grow anywhere from 70-90 plants, the hawaiian way, with my hawaiian best friend ^_^ and others
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    Growing, CA. November early Dec.

    okay so, i decided to go all organic, im only using manure to plant my seeds in, so far all the roots have cameo uto f the seeds, they are still wrapped up in a damp paper towel in the sunlight, thought that might quickin its growing stage, im going to plant them tomorrow at 7am, i'll give you...
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    my back yard grow

    yeh i figured it out, like 10 minutes after i asked, i already bought 10 ft by 20 ft, and the neighbors know i do airsoft wars, so they wont think nothing of it XD
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    my back yard grow

    Pleaaaase tell me!! what type of camouflage that is!!! i need to buy some of that so my neighbors wont see a thing
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    Growing, CA. November early Dec.

    so i went to fox farms website, and they have no products near my city at all =(
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    Growing, CA. November early Dec.

    Thanks Bubba, yeah i have them soaking rite now, i'm going to take pictures from soaking stage-sprouting stage-veg stage-flower stage. weekly. i got like 30 seeds so, im just going to use 4 right now, they are White Widow i Presume.