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  1. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    10 day old seedlings not grown in 5 days

    Omg why the fuck did you bother responding then ? Asshole lol
  2. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    10 day old seedlings not grown in 5 days

    What he can also do is throw a lido dry soilless on the top of the cup . Lol
  3. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

    Not yet but I will start one as soon as and if the seedlings take . I have followed you so I'm sure you will see wen I do start it. I wish I had picture of the first grow i used this lamp on , I started it out under T5s and flowerd it with the Xml2. It was aurora indica.
  4. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

    Daaaaaammmm lmfao that sux
  5. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

    Awsome information I will defently give them a look
  6. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

    It is a fairly new product I've had it for about a year and before that there was a waiting list for wen this lamp released.
  7. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

  8. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

    I apologize for the retarded comment lol I didn't meant it to be a dick it's litterly how I talk . Just to be more specific I'm running a P4-xml2 HID Replacement 600w HPS Width 19 in | 48 cm Length 19 in | 48 cm Height 3 in | 8 cm Weight 22 lbs | 10 kg Max Coverage at 18" Height 4'x4' Core...
  9. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

    Good to go will check on this , thanks
  10. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

    You are fucking retarded bro there is advance Led And there is Two separate companies and 2 very difrent names , so no one stole anything from anybody and contrary to what you said the prices average about the same. Lol As I said...
  11. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

    My bad bro using my phone so I didn't get to see the entire question before I answerd but I did edited my response to a dress your question
  12. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

    You must be stoned , clearly yo didn't read wen I said the YIELD. Lol jk The price is a bit high about 500 for the one I got free shipping and a 5 year no questions asked warranty, you can make up the money on the light bill . As far as grams ? I am a beginner so with that in mind I...
  13. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Advanced Platinum LED?

    Stop being haters and giving people bad info . This is my platinum Led lamp HID 600W on a 4x4 tent , I grow 5 plants at a time and the yield is off the charts , this is my 3rd grow . It's cheaper on the light bill and Waaay more effective, and there is green spectrum. The brightest light ...
  14. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Watering Help

    could you tell this newbii what type of insulation worked best fer you? pleeeeaaaseeee :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  15. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Watering Help

    shiiiiiiiiiit lmfao got get that RH up then and yes my outside temp are affecting it ive noticed this by turning my ac on or off , wen its on my temp in tent will drop to a more desirable temp but if i turn it off boy it gets hotter than Satan's penis lol
  16. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Watering Help

    as far as the tempeture tho guys i herd anything over 85 f is super bad , is this accurate ? i aske this beacause im seeing temps of up to 89 f even with the led .
  17. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Watering Help

    awesome bro i totally get what you are saying and will incorporate that to my routine
  18. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Watering Help

    thanx for the love man and yeah the lido one did have def earlier on , that was my bad i got complacent . i think i got it fixed tho also how hot is too hot ? im in cali and even with the leds im seeing temps of 86 to 89 f .
  19. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Watering Help

    can you elaborate for me brother ?
  20. MeDiHeRbMaN12

    Watering Help

    the big on is 12 1/2 in the lido one is at 9 1/2 in