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    Just heard they are really picking it up in southern cali too. I know two family friends who have had theirs plucked out already. I'm talking about 1 week from harvest. They were greenhouse grown.
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    There was a new law up in weed, ca area (Siskiyou county) that banned outdoor grow. Sheriff wasn't pulling plants, but just giving out costly citations/tickets. Well, those growers got together, hired 3 lawyers and the tickets were tossed out in court. Haven't heard of trouble since. Pushing...
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    What do 5 pound plants look like?

    New to outdoor growing and that's so true. I've stopped with nutes since June 2nd, when the plants were 3-4 ft tall because it seems I burnt some. Been using water sine and my 10 are now hitting the top of my 8ft-10ft greenhouse. Being an indoor grower, never seen plants so big only heard of them.
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    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Very nice oldwatershoes, this is my first time growing in greenhouse/outside with sunlight and my 10 are in the 8 ft range now. I have one question, how much will each of those trees yield come harvest? I've only ever done indoor and all I've seen are 4-5 footers.
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    How tall are your plants heading into flowering phase this year?

    That's a beauty, I don't think my plants are that tall just yet, but now I've got something to look forward to.
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    How tall are your plants heading into flowering phase this year?

    Thanks for all the pics and comments. I've done some research and most say these plants hardly ever get above 6 ft, especially the indica dominant strains. But here's a pic I took last week of the 10 I've got. The greenhouse is 8ft at the edge and rises to 10ft in the middle. The crazy thing is...
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    How tall are your plants heading into flowering phase this year?

    This is just my second harvest, and first for the May-October season (First harvest went from Jan to May here in southern cali). I'm growing in a greenhouse, so just using the sun as light. My question is how big are your plants right now as we head into the flowering phase? I ask because I...