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  1. F

    New to the outdoors

    Southerner here, about an hour north of Detroit. What do you reccomend for hardening off? Ive had some people tell me a couple hours of shade is fine and others tell me keep in shade for a week
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    New to the outdoors

    Hello all, Ive been growing indoors for a few years now and am putting 4 of my plants outside this year. Im in Michigan and plan on putting them out this weekend and am looking for any tips/advice you could give a beginner of the outdoors. My 4 plants have been vegging indoors for a month and...
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    Lets see your outdoor plants that are still vegging indoors !

    Im putting 4 of these bad lads outdoors on friday in Michigan. First outdoor grow and cant wait to see the results. Putting them all in 75 gal pots with promix hp. 2 Northern lights, 1 white fire, and 1 pinapple express.
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    Taking the leap. Soil to waterfall rdwc

    So the water pump is going to be hooked up to the waterfall lines and the 2" lines are my return correct? @Airwalker16 are 5 gallon buckets large enough for a veg and flower cycle? Also what size water pump would you reccomend for a 4 plant waterfall system?
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    Taking the leap. Soil to waterfall rdwc

    Do you still use air stones with yours or does the waterfall produce enough oxygen ?
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    Taking the leap. Soil to waterfall rdwc

    After days of research ive decided im gonna give hydro a shot. Im going to be building a 4 plant rdwc waterfall test system, run a veg through it and if I like the results im going to build a lot more. I need some help though I cant find much info on matching up pipe sizes to pots and water...
  7. F

    Yellowing and shriveling of leaves

    Came down to the room this morning to find my plants like this. The new growth is starting to yellow slightly and the leaves are almost wrinkly looking. Also some warped ones in there. Every inch of these plants were dark green and healthy yesterday. My room did get a little cold last night 64...
  8. F

    Yellowing and odd shriveling

    Came down to the room this morning to find my plants like this. The new growth is starting to yellow slightly and the leaves are almost wrinkly looking. Also some warped ones in there. Every inch of these plants were dark green and healthy yesterday. My room did get a little cold last night 64...
  9. F

    Who says a day has to be 24 hours?

    This goes against life as we know it but bear with me.. Has anyone here ever ran their lights based on anything longer then a 24 hour day? What if you ran your light based on say a 36 hour day.. so your veg would be 36 on or 27/9 and flower would be 18/18. Or you could take it to an even...
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    What's waters Ph
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    Also using promix soil, i water them when they need water which is usually every other day but sometimes it's different and I do a low nute mix every time at 5ml per gal except for hydroplex which I added in at week 3 at 2ml per gallon but has now worked up to 3ml per gallon at week 5
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    Ill take more pics as soon as I get off work, as far as more info I use botanicare KIND nutes but only the base, bloom, hydroplex and I use hygrozyme. Reverse osmosis water, sitting under 1000w hps
  13. F

    Someone please help 3weeks into flower pics

    not much yo can do its pretty bad i would start with a cal mag flush for a couple waterings see if that helps then slowly add nutrients back in
  14. F


    Okay so about a week ago this plant began showing signs of what i feel like is a manganese deficiency but i cant cure it. It continues to spread through out the plant which i always Ph at 6.2-6.3. Im not sure if my meters bad or if im completely wrong and its something else i just need help...
  15. F

    Someone please help 3weeks into flower pics

    what nutes do you use and how long have you had them for? also looks to me like that plant needs nitrogen. The first 2-3 weeks of flower your plants mostly stretching not producing buds so it still needs a lot of nitrogen. and you said it started to yellow after the first week... thats not...
  16. F

    HELP i dont know whats wrong with my baby

    Okay so about a week ago this plant began showing signs of what i feel like is a manganese deficiency but i cant cure it. It continues to spread through out the plant which i always Ph at 6.2-6.3. Im not sure if my meters bad or if im completely wrong and its something else i just need help...