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  1. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Thanks Guys, The fan direction is no where near the plants so don't think this is the cause... When I say the fan is running over the canopy, it basically blows across my bulbs with the slightest of air flow onto the plants creating a small movement across the canopy, if I was running a high...
  2. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Thanks guys... The lights are at least 50 cm away from the canopy with a 12 fan blowing across the bulb but I think your on to something... I used a spider mite spray 20mins before lights off a few weeks back so think that maybe this effected the leaves and they've never recovered.
  3. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Here we go Canninoobis... The flush doesn't seem to have done anything :( I did expect to see some improvement by now but each day the leaves are worse... Brown spots and curling at the ends.
  4. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Thanks Olive... My ph in is 6.2 - and ph out is anything between 6.0 - 6.5... I have Hesi Phospeous Plus which is a flowering nute, will this be ok to fix the def? Oh and my normal nutes are chemical... Yeah flushed on Wednesday so just waiting for them to dry out a bit before I water...
  5. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Thanks Olive, I noticed the bites in the leaves but have checked and cannot find any insects... I had a few fumi smoke bombs so let them off just in case. I agree on the phosphorus, the pots are still sodden from the flush so haven't fed then anything since the 1/4 strength nutes I poured...
  6. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Thanks The Nine, I added enzymes with the 1/4 strength nutes and will add some vits when I water next. They are looking bad :( The leaves are browning and curling at an alarming rate despite the flush. At this point I'm thinking it's going to be a total write off, hopefully I'll be able to...
  7. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Thanks both :) I've got a dehumidifier running so that should hopefully dry the soil quicker... I would repot but they are in 25 ltr pots which are huge so think I'll sit it out and hope :)
  8. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Flushing done with 3 x The volume of water that the pots are and then a 1/4 strength nutes to end. It's been 12 hours and 50% of the leaves which yesterday were uneffected are now effected :( I picked off the badly damaged leaves whilst flushing so the plants looked normal but now it looks like...
  9. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Thanks Trim, I'll do it to one and see how it goes :)
  10. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Thanks Chunky, I check daily for spider mites and thrips as I've had them before but cannot see anything at present which is why is thought is was a nute issue?
  11. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Trimothy thanks again, I'm expecting the leaves which have the issues to stay as was and for it not to spread to other leaves which it's currently doing. I'm actually pulling off the leaves when they are 50% brown and all curled up as I believe these are toxic to the plant but the next day...
  12. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Thank Trimothy (Great name ;) I flushed because after 7-10 days of using the cal/mag supplement nothing changed and the leaves were getting worse so I suspected a lock out, I used revive for the last few liters as its made up of mostly base minerals and not the addition things they put in a...
  13. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Thanks both, Thumper - Could be a good call actually, the bible I use doesn't show the problems I have for P, but just done a quick search and u could be right :) Bud man - I'm using a gavita hps, 660w upto 1150w. Thanks again guys ;) I'm going to do some phosphorus investigations now.
  14. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Hi Moldy, Before I had the problems, every 2-3 days all dependent on how light the pots were. Water source is tap, I leave 24 hours then skim any chemicals off the top. Currently they are very wet due to panic attempts to nurse then back to health so leaving then for a few days to dry out...
  15. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Background info: Medium: Soil Strain: Cheese How far gone: 4 weeks into flower Tent size: 150 x 150cm Light: 750w Canapy distance to light: 20" Extraction fan: 10" Internal fan: 12" ocolating fan aimed at light and across canopy Day temps: 25 Night temps: 17 Pot Size: 25 ltr Nutrients: Hesi...