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  1. F

    your FAQ made my grow hilarious!!!!

    So here i am, brand new to the scene of hydro. I'm on my 2nd grow and decided to up my co2 production by doing the "do it yourself" co2 with yeast, sugar, and water. So i follow the instructions. blah blah blah. 1/5 sugar to water 1/5 yeast to water. give er a shake. see some bubble. its all...
  2. F

    Molasses in a DWC?

    New grower, First grow. I'm at about week 8 of a nice large sativa getting into the final weeks of flowering. I've been reading a lot about molasses in soil grows but haven't heard a thing about using it in a hydro (dwc) system. Does it blend in water? will it cause prolems with my water pump...
  3. F

    Help me with Algae removal

    Is there a simple way to remove or reduce the algae in my DWC system? i'm about 7 weeks into flowering a sativa and as i left for a weekend the system in whole was subject to light and heat forming a firm green algae in my root container but it is so far absent rfom my resevoir and i'd like to...
  4. F

    LED Lights and MJ

    Panels are pretty expensive still, they would support your plant but you'd need enough to cover your plant and they can get costly. But if you order lights and your own panel its pretty cheap to DIY. Overall though you'd spend more on LED's than you would sufficient 4'florescent tubes and the...
  5. F

    Lighting Combinations? Can you?

    I am looking at growing a mother in a closet space with very limited ventilation space. I was going to go with a single hid system and switch bulbs via converter during the flowering process. What im wondernig is... a) can i combine an overhead CFL with 2 LED side panels. a.1)without harming...