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  1. sgarcata

    GroErr Grows...

    Where do you get the inoculants, please?
  2. sgarcata

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I only add kitchen scraps, but they LOVE cantaloupe and avocado. I've decided to start "cooking" my egg shells so they make smaller bits for them.
  3. sgarcata

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Amazing! thanks for the details. Where do you find is the best source for the nematodes? I've bought from Arbico in the past, but don't have a reliable microscope to check.
  4. sgarcata

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    So the BT doesn't harm the worms, but attacks the fungus gnat larvae? I was wondering about that.
  5. sgarcata

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    sorry for delay... bunch of "life" stepped in. I was following Soma's approach... think it has to do with getting oxygen down there plus a place for excess water to collect out of the soil.
  6. sgarcata

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thanks for getting back so quickly, calliandra. I have kept red wigglers for 6 years or so... I had great ambitions for their production, but I still haven't been able to separate them from their bedding/castings very productively so they are mainly "pets" now. I'm just now discovering the idea...
  7. sgarcata

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Is that regular earth worms or red wigglers?
  8. sgarcata

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Hi all... I'm trying to transition from "organic" to ROLS. I have pond lined beds with clay rocks under the soil (separated by landscape cloth) and ready to start my 3rd run. I'm reading through these posts newest first. Sorry, but can someone please tell me what SIP stands for? Thank you.
  9. sgarcata

    CXB3590 1500W

    How do you separate the worms from the castings? and do you do anything to the castings to be sure not to get worms or worm eggs into your grow soil? I have a lot of happy worms (they really love avocado shells, BTW) but have a devil of a time harvesting the castings.
  10. sgarcata

    CXB3590 1500W

    Supra, was this for a 5 x 5 space?
  11. sgarcata

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey there... by way of introduction: I'm a senior living in Humboldt County and getting things set up an indoor 215 grow: soil, Clean Green certified (same criteria as USDA organic), in beds, not pots... I've got three rooms that my son had previously set up: one is 10' x 10' with a separate 8'...
  12. sgarcata

    REALSTYLES 6th DIY CXA 3590 5000k DB bin

    Good to hear... I remember moving to France in the 60's from Berkeley, CA and being too afraid to smoke so as to not be deported or worse... it is still sketchy here... can't believe CA is lagging... the police still delight in busting folks here in Humboldt County.
  13. sgarcata

    CXB3590 1500W

    Thanks. (Note: not trying to jam the posts here, but I guess newbies aren't allowed to "thank" with a click... if I'm wrong, please tell me how)
  14. sgarcata

    CXB3590 1500W

    saw it later at 4.65umol/s/W
  15. sgarcata

    CXB3590 1500W

    noobie here.. just joined today and working my way through this thread from page 1 today - incredibly useful info, although my head is swimming with all the acronyms and calcs... I follow your formula until the last line... where does the 4.65 come from? Thanks...