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  1. C

    Is this N toxicity

    They were looking great the first 3 days after watering. Now today they are very droopy, and got some paleness in the new growth from the stem out and on some older but still new leaves but from out edges in. I was thinking copper but changed to more likely potassium or zinc or molybdenum...
  2. C

    Is this N toxicity

    Looks like copper deficiency to me!! But I am having same issues and falling on that myself. Any help further with yours would be great help to me bc ours look the same, mine are just a lot bigger.
  3. C

    Can't reveg this bitch..

    Right of course. Thank you kryptobud! You're the best!
  4. C

    Can't reveg this bitch..

    Thank you! I was stressing! So that's means the ones that preflowered are deff female?
  5. C

    Can't reveg this bitch..

    I have a similar question! I moved my plants from florecents to an HPS still under 24 hours and the plants are getting tiny little pistles. So should I just switch them to flower or will they stop and go back to vegging
  6. C

    Nutrient question

    Also the petioles to veins are very purple/red it's even on the stem/stock, stem/stock is purple in parts not whole thing (some almost have purple and green stripes up the stem/stock) on some not all. Those ones do have necrotic spots which are some of the photos from original post. Some are...
  7. C

    Nutrient question

    I get moths, and they lay eggs that hatch into catapillers/worms, that walk around the leaf and chomp. The lady bugs eat the little bastartds! And I will get the white flys very soon, also have bars just bc of where I live and the fact it's a shed. It's dr.earths organic all purpose 5-5-5...
  8. C

    Nutrient question

    Thank you! I'll get on it asap. Also I just got a 1000watt HPS.. Is it alright to leave that on 24 hours without a fan? I'm gonna use it as my heat source for now
  9. C

    Nutrient question

    Here are a few more pics
  10. C

    Nutrient question

    I have some sign of what I'm educated guessing are deficient of magnesium manganese and or sulfur. Not sure tho. Using Dr. Earths all organic potting soil and fertilizer. All purpose vegetable fertilizer 5-5-5. Ph is good, I'm testing with strips. Thank you.