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  1. M

    What can u make with this ?

    Ok I separated the fan leaves from stems, ground up the stems in a blender. I took 49gfan leaves/shake and cooked it with one stick of butter, I'll b adding that to brownies later. So I finaly scaped my pyrex dish i blew 30g of fan leaves and i got .5g oil. Tastes gross but got me very...
  2. M

    What can u make with this ?

    Well I think ima strip all The leaves, depending on how much is there maybe modify my bho tube to fit more or soak all shake in everclear and evap and will most likely give it to a friend that in reality would smoke the fan leaves by themselves lol so low grade bho he wouldn't mind , it's from...
  3. M

    What can u make with this ?

    Lol I asked a friend who knows 2 growers for their "trim" and I got half a garbage bag of this. I guess I need to be more specific when I ask for trimmings lol It's just fan leaves stems and stalks. Some parts have tricromes but really not much. It's about 1-3lbs dude said. I figured I could...
  4. M

    What can u make with this ?

    Hello ! I am new here. I was given this trim by a friend . It's basically fan leaves stems and stalks no real sugar leaves . I ran 30g of shake from the garbage bag it came in, in a 1.5ft .5inch tube with butane. Usually I get a 10% return, so 30g of bud would give me 3g bho. I got prolly .2...