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  1. Marv001

    The world needs to see this

    Haha thats funny :-D
  2. Marv001

    It's the end of the world! now what?!

    u read wot i had 2 say and i sed it with all truth and meanin! if u dont belive that the world will end/change beond ur knowing in the next 4or 5 years then at lest get closer to god coz without him all u have is wots on this earth and its means nout its all temp and will end u cant take it...
  3. Marv001

    It's the end of the world! now what?!

    We are in the end days its in the bible and writen in so meny of the old civilisations 2012 will happen not sure wot will happen ppl r saying its gona be a poll shift or a planet called nirubu that will hit the earth or a extermination of almost all human life by our goverment via influenza wot...
  4. Marv001

    how long have you left you're indoor grow unattended?

    Iv never gone more then a few hours cant really help it every morning at 7am i get up to turn the lights on and look them over never really been forced to lev them alown but this is my first grow take a look at my grow room and let me no wot u think
  5. Marv001


    Some bigger pots would be a good idea next time do thay have much space in ur grow room? ur only gona get a few grams from them not really worth it
  6. Marv001

    What should i do

    he is right really levin them dark that long isnt good i was just sayin if u really have 2 but get a timer prob solved
  7. Marv001

    What should i do

    well if u really have 2 just lev them dark wont really make much dif but u should get a timer that would solv ur prob