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  1. TaiMunny

    1000 hps vs. 600?

    Most definitely helped. Yeah i'm cringing a bit at snapping right now lol. I'll give it a shot tonight after I water
  2. TaiMunny

    CO2 levels?

    Very interesting! It didn't even occur to me to use co2 in my Veg. I'm a bit behind on my veg cycle so that might actually be a good idea to keep on track..Thanks for the info!
  3. TaiMunny

    1000 hps vs. 600?

    Stopped me just in time, had my fiskers all ready to go haha jk ;) Thanks for the clarification! I'm familiar with super cropping but I was under the impression that stem growth is somewhat minimal after week 2-3 of bloom. Anyway, I might just give that a try! Appreciate:bigjoint: it!
  4. TaiMunny

    1000 hps vs. 600?

    I appreciate the compliment! This is just my second run so still figuring things out. Just so i'm clear.. When you say "pop" do you mean cut?
  5. TaiMunny

    1000 hps vs. 600?

    Ah I gotchu.. out of curiosity do you know what spectrum it would cover if I dropped to 600? green/blues i'm guessing? Thanks!
  6. TaiMunny

    1000 hps vs. 600?

    Thanks Rosey. Sorry if i'm misunderstanding this. still noobing it up here lol. Are you saying to top the main stem? Isn't it too late for additional cola growth at this point? (wk5) My lights are ducted and blown out of the room so heat isn't too much of an issue I think.
  7. TaiMunny

    1000 hps vs. 600?

    Its not necessarily a huge deal but the tops on these could come out very nice so I'm trying to avoid light burn if possible. I'm using a 3xl de hood over this table. Not sure what you mean by how much air though? Attached is a pic of the tallest one. Literally 2 inches away from light lol...
  8. TaiMunny

    1000 hps vs. 600?

    Yes I do. Currently running the full 1000 but I can go 600 or as low as 400. Thinking I might drop to 600...
  9. TaiMunny

    CO2 levels?

    Wow really?? How big is ur AC unit?? Were u able to compare and see what the difference in yield was? Thanks!
  10. TaiMunny

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    haha got it! thanks Sunni ;)
  11. TaiMunny

    1000 hps vs. 600?

    Hi guys, I'm currently running 1000w hps and a handful of plants have grown to only a few inches away from the lights. They're approaching week 5 so i'm not worried about them getting any taller but they are most definitely going to get burned at this rate. I'm wondering if I should switch...
  12. TaiMunny

    CO2 levels?

    Thanks Mongo, that definitely makes sense. I'm running OG and Tangie at the moment and the OG seems to be a bit on the small size for how old it is. Really just trying to find a way to give it a boost in these last weeks. I'll probably just stick to that range. Thanks!
  13. TaiMunny

    CO2 levels?

    Hey there, I'm brand spanking new here so I apologize ahead of time if this question has been posted somewhere already. I recently bought a co2 burner and i'm trying to figure out what the optimal ppms should be. Most of the info I've found says that anywhere from 1100-1500 ppms is ok. My...
  14. TaiMunny

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Ty here from the great state of high as fu*k! Recently inherited a grow but have very little in the way of coaching. Hoping to chat with some knowledgeable folks. Sorry ahead of time if I sound like noob. :weed: