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  1. Mr Big

    First Grow CFL Shed

    First grow
  2. Mr Big

    Ethics of Guerilla growing on someone else's land

    Hmmm ethics well first take the blame if the owner gets locked up for growing drugs on his property second buy him some new land after the cops seize his land for growing drugs on his property. But me, i dont believe in ethics, i am a no good motherfucker. I would just do what ever i...
  3. Mr Big

    First Grow CFL Shed

    dont worry dude that guy is probably a cop, but keep growing because practice makes perfect
  4. Mr Big


    i would use it as a stress reliever because i have had plants sagging and then in within hours brought up to life no joke. it does not smell to bad it is one of those kind of smells where you have to take a quick sniff after each opening of the bottle, you know like a marker or gas but not as...
  5. Mr Big

    Welcome New Members!

    whats up every body just started in the grow game, nice to find a cool forum like this to bullshit and learn some shit.
  6. Mr Big

    ***Official Nutrients Thread***

    Im using super thrieve seems to be working good
  7. Mr Big

    Tiny White Bugs

    I would put some fly paper next to my plants if i were to start growing MJ