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  1. H

    Sulfur Burned plants, please help!!

    They were on 12/12 for about 1 week
  2. H

    Sulfur Burned plants, please help!!

    I need someone to please help. Here is my situation I have 6 plants in coco in a 4x4 tent. I switched the lights to 12/12 on June 20th and also around that time I used my sulfur burner as a preventative measure against mold,pm,ecr. But I burned for too long and to soon after the lights went out...
  3. H

    Plants got burnt with sulfur burner

    Dam thats kinda what I was thinking. How long does it usually take to start revegging? It has been 12/12 for 10 days.
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    Plants got burnt with sulfur burner

    I have 6 plants in a 4x4 tent. I was burning some sulfur as a mold, pm preventative and ended up burning my plants. I found these pics that look exactly like the damage on my plants. I just changed the light cycle to 12/12 on june 20th and I already have preflower hairs. What should I do pick...
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    Need help with bug problem

    Ok it not letting me upload a pic
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    Need help with bug problem

    Hey title pretty much says it all. Today I noticed something going on with my plants. They had some whiteish spitty looking spots and little tiny pale wormish looking larvae bugs moving on the top side of the leaves. I think they are thrips after looking at some info but wanted to make sure. I...
  7. H

    Matching Drivers and COBs

    Hey grodank I know a HLG-185H-C1400B can power 4 3590's at 36v. This thread has alot of good info. Page 1 has a chart that shows how many 3590s you can run on each driver it helped me alot. Peace
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    Matching Drivers and COBs

    Ok if that wont work what would you suggest as far as a driver for just 1 or 2 3590s? What would be a good driver for just the one or two? What would be a good one that leaves room for adding more? Sorry about all the questions man theres just so much info and options and numbers. Ive tried...
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    Matching Drivers and COBs

    Im a newb at this so I dont really get what you mean by advantage of paralley connected. The reason I want to run the 1 or 2 right now is because thats all I have money for. I plan on getting a couple more anyways and this way I dont have to buy another driver. If I am missing something or if im...
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    Matching Drivers and COBs

    Can anybody answer my question? Is it ok to run one 3590 cob with a HLG-185H-1400B? I will be getting more cobs but want to run one 3590 for now. Will that be ok?
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    Matching Drivers and COBs

    Im sorry I didnt explain clearly enough. I want to use the one driver that has the capabilities to power 4 but am only gonna be using one light now until I can buy more. So Im asking if that powerful driver will be ok to run 1 led until I can get more, like is the driver to powerful for the 1...
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    Matching Drivers and COBs

    Hey guys Ive got a quick question. So I wanna build my own light using the 3590. I wanna use the HLG-185H-C1400B but I only have enough money for 1 light right now will running one light on that driver be ok?? Sorry if this is a dumb question or if its already been answered im new to the led...
  13. H

    Gonna do my first DIY LED with Cree CXA3590

    Hey thanks bud I think thats exactly what I needed
  14. H

    Gonna do my first DIY LED with Cree CXA3590

    Can anybody help me what are some different options for drivers for a single cree 3590? Im so confused someone please help
  15. H

    Help nut deficiency in flower???

    Ok ya some of the leaves have been yellow for a while and show no sign of death. I did flush it out a bit with some ph'd water. Hope for the best and see what happens.....