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  1. W

    The 3 Industries Killing Legal Weed

    It's not all about you. I was responding to someone else's comment.
  2. W

    The 3 Industries Killing Legal Weed

    You do know that Hilleman originally isolated SV40, right, laughing or not? And the original Salk vaccine contained SV40? And that huge epidemiological studies show no difference in cancer rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations? You're right about Bayer. I've since read up on...
  3. W

    Ttystikk's vertical goodness

    See a guy there delta9nxs of ppk fame. You guys seem to be kindred spirits.
  4. W

    The 3 Industries Killing Legal Weed

    1. Nope, adds unnecessary costs. 2. Some, of course. When I was a kid, I had classmates wearing leg braces from polio. How about you? No? When I was a kid, childhood leukemia killed close to 100% of those afflicted. I gave blood til I was blue in high school when a beloved classmate...
  5. W

    The 3 Industries Killing Legal Weed

    Typical trollitup response. Like debating a stump.
  6. W

    Ttystikk's vertical goodness

    There's a whole movement at icmag that grows huge trees via vertical using Fred's. Sounds like up your alley.
  7. W

    Ttystikk's vertical goodness

    You looked at Fred's? Interested in what you think...
  8. W

    The 3 Industries Killing Legal Weed

    WTF? Don't tell me, you've seen Bigfoot, too. Nice try. There were some clotting factions in the early-mid '80s that were contaminated with HIV because it was isolated via plasmapheresis and HIV-infected individuals donated before folks knew about AIDS. But no one knowingly marketed it...
  9. W

    12x3590-DIY Cree COB Build

    When I cranked the pot down all the way and looked at my glass Jerry-lenses from the side, I was shocked at the bubbles/inclusions revealed. Also, every little smudge on the glass is visible. And I thought I was meticulous when I cleaned the inside of the lens with Zeiss alc wipes.
  10. W

    DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW ???????? LPC150-2450 ????????

    Does your law give you the "right" to make a return to China without paying shipping? I'm really curious. Our businesses compete. Many places will accept returns on items that have been used for 20 years and have simply worn out. You have to be a douche to do it, but they'll accept the...
  11. W

    Blunts Vs Joints

    Lol, hope you're smoking for another 30 years. There were blunts in the 70s? I smoked in the 70s but I've never even seen one. I can still roll perfect joints with my eyes closed, though. When I was in hs a guy in town used to give me a lid (remember those?) for every pound I rolled. He had...
  12. W

    DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW ???????? LPC150-2450 ????????

    Too bad we can't pool our our leftovers and mistakes here. I have enough bits, self tapping screws, hookup wire, grommets, pots, lever nuts, and mean wells for two more lights. I'll never use it.
  13. W

    DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW ???????? LPC150-2450 ????????

    Ha! That's what I did with mine.
  14. W

    Toxic Flint Water.

    My wife's from Muskegon and we have family there. I know it's not a laughing matter. Michigan's a great place and the people are the salt of the earth. My heart goes out to you.
  15. W

    Marine Veteran in need of help/advice asap

    Saints be. Rs and Ds crossing the aisle to do some good. Who'd have thought? Thanks for this rollitup. I haven't looked yet, apologies, but is there a veterans' forum here?
  16. W

    APNewsBreak: US declares 22 Clinton emails 'top secret'

    Well I hope they straighten it out. This was a systemic failure of the first order. Forget the politics of the situation. They need to clean shop.
  17. W

    APNewsBreak: US declares 22 Clinton emails 'top secret'

    It's problematic. You assume that everything is classified. That's what I was advised by both my attorneys and the Feds. It baffles me how any business correspondence involving the SECSTATE wouldn't be assumed to be classified. I've had dealings with the Feds. Security audits were brutal...
  18. W

    CornHole Collections?

    Kubb is the only lawn game. Awesome.
  19. W

    Marine Veteran in need of help/advice asap

    If you haven't had a discussion with your physician about terazosin (brand name Hytrin) give it a shot. It's an alpha blocker (originally a blood pressure pill) with really minimal side effects, mostly lightheadedness if you stand up quickly. Huge numbers of men take it for prostate issues...