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  1. JohnnyDAgrower

    Wake and Bake Happy Easter 2010

    bongsmilieBong tokes to start the AM off. Enojoy my freshly baked thought after some good ass sleep haha So everyone I'm glad to say we have all made it to April 4, 2010! Congrats:clap: pat yourself on the back we're over the first small hump of this year. Smokin a fat new bong I got at my...
  2. JohnnyDAgrower

    Your Stoner Lingo

    Let's get/I'm fuggin: Stoked,Lifted,Smashed,Blazed,Blitzed,feeling right now. You need any: Herb,Trees,Smoke,Shama Lama Ding Dongggggg,Monkey.
  3. JohnnyDAgrower

    Whats better? Smokin fine herb or gettin laid anytime?

    "When I think about the people I have smoked pot with, they're such an electric mix of people, and I probably never would have spoken to a lot of them if it weren't for pot. Alcohol doesn't bring people together like that." My idol Dave Chappelle.:bigjoint:
  4. JohnnyDAgrower

    Whats better? Smokin fine herb or gettin laid anytime?

    lol na she a slim blonde. she likes me cause im funny haha. :D! but anyways. I like the dave chappelle qoute. awesome love that guy. You know how it always goes. Give it a couple of weeks and she'll find a reason to call. She did. Ladies are so predictable now days during the dating process but...
  5. JohnnyDAgrower

    Whats better? Smokin fine herb or gettin laid anytime?

    I am indeed single. Too bad Rollitup doesn't have a stoner style version of lol ;)
  6. JohnnyDAgrower

    Whats better? Smokin fine herb or gettin laid anytime?

    So an updater.....Didn't work out guys and gals. She just wasn't my Ganja queen I guess haha. The nail in the coffin was my "want to hang with friends at my house more than going to a club with her" Oh well back to me the ganja and Palm-ela Anderson. Peace and pot guys and gals I'm out
  7. JohnnyDAgrower

    PS3 error 8001050F --issues

    A friend just texted me and asked me if I had my trophies. PSN is fuggin up lately. BTW check this vid out Most of you will like it and Add me btw. DABO_SWINNEY. Peace and Pot guys
  8. JohnnyDAgrower

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    lol I've always wanted to see a post about urine. I've always been curious about its uses in growing after hearing Chong yell in the movie pee on it maaaaaaaaan lol. Anyways, flat out guys. DOES IT WORK? I'd think it would be stupid to do in an inside grow because of the potential smell haha
  9. JohnnyDAgrower

    Whats better? Smokin fine herb or gettin laid anytime?

    I was actually thinking that exact thing could possibly happen for us. Once she does catch me (trust me fellas they always do!) eventually I'll be honest then and hope she just realize then that its not an issue that could lead to a problem down the road and we can go without worry. Haha Just...
  10. JohnnyDAgrower

    Whats better? Smokin fine herb or gettin laid anytime?

    I knew I could count on some good advice from my brothers in pot. I don't know where its going. Shes pretty smokin and worth decieving for a while I guess. I'm just gonna ride it out and smoke behind her back. She catches me oh well ya know haha. Thanks for the help. I'll keep ya posted haha
  11. JohnnyDAgrower

    Slang words you just can't stand

    I hate when people say Shawty! lol retard
  12. JohnnyDAgrower

    Whats better? Smokin fine herb or gettin laid anytime?

    She says its caused problems in past relationships and doesn't wanna take a chance on that happening again.
  13. JohnnyDAgrower

    Whats better? Smokin fine herb or gettin laid anytime?

    :confused:So whats happenin people! I've got a little problem. Chicks giving me a ultimatum. Her or the herb? I just want opinions....what would you do?
  14. JohnnyDAgrower

    Religious views

    lol thats hilarious
  15. JohnnyDAgrower

    PS3 error 8001050F --issues

    YEa everyone add me DABO_SWINNEY. The servers are screwed up big time. It wont even let me play anything because it will go to load my trophies, and when unsuccessful due to the servers being down it kicks me back to the Menu. Annoying!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. JohnnyDAgrower

    Religious views

    Religion is always an interesting topic when you're stoned. That and books.
  17. JohnnyDAgrower

    Religious views

    I know this is off subject but my eyes are itching I'm so high! it hurts a little
  18. JohnnyDAgrower

    Religious views

    HYPOCRITES thats the word. My so called Pastor just finished serving a 9 year prison term and was once accused in a court of law as being a child molester. Crazy shit.So i have my huge doubts. Just crazy
  19. JohnnyDAgrower

    Religious views

    I feel terrible when I say this but I'm undecided. For some reason I just feel guilty when I say it. I was born and raised southern Baptist all my life, and living in the "bible belt" its kinda hard to escape religion. For example my 2 best friends parents are involved in church. Ones mom was my...
  20. JohnnyDAgrower

    Canna Chat problems

    Is it just me or can no one get into :weed: