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  1. LED Light User

    Greetz by AMLEDDesigner

    Greetz by AMLEDDesigner
  2. LED Light User

    Help choosing between two fan drivers.

    Hi Take a MW APV-16-12 and all Fans do a perfect job. Every AC64+ Fan needs 0.24A of the driver current.
  3. LED Light User

    DIY LM561c s6 320watt light build

    Your own pcb design? I like your simple design Easy and cheap. I take a seat
  4. LED Light User

    3000k or 3500k for flowering?

    With 3500K you can go for the complete Run (Veg+Bloom) 3000K has more IR inside for Bloom. My last run with CXB 3590's 3500K fits perfectly from Start to Finish
  5. LED Light User

    Can i convert a MW HLG480 non dimmable...

    Yes sell your A-Driver and buy a B-Version
  6. LED Light User

    Can i convert a MW HLG480 non dimmable...

    Driver Unboxing to bring out the current poti. 2 Wires out - Done But if you are not an Electric Profi like Me, don't try it alone
  7. LED Light User

    300W 3500k Cob Build

    Nice Build
  8. LED Light User

    No grounding wire on the HBG-60... is it a problem?

    Bring the Ground it save your life
  9. LED Light User

    Samsung LM561C strips. Please help with power supply

    U need min. 95 Vdc to max. 190 Vdc in Series in Use from the driver. Every 24 Vdc Stripe Part are 8 Emitter in Serie. Cut off every part and wire min. 4 to max. 7 parts in serie 4×24 Vdc = 96 Vdc to 7×24 Vdc= 168 Vdc To split the current use 6 to 10 Series parallel and it will work well. Link...
  10. LED Light User

    HLG-550 vs PLC-6

    Both are great lights. Nice Question I take a seat @Growmau5 @Greengenes707 @robincnn
  11. LED Light User

    ***SONOFF - WiFi Wireless Smart Switch***

    Nice Thematic I take a seat
  12. LED Light User

    Steady does it, Cob and quantum board grow

    I take a seat Good Luck
  13. LED Light User

    Tasty LED 3000k 90CRI vs 4000k 80CRI grow log

    I take a seat Good Luck Keep on growin'
  14. LED Light User

    is 100watt cob enough for 2x2 tent?

    I use 4 CXB3590 3500K with a MW-120H-C1050B (150W) dimable for the same space and it works perfect over 4 plants
  15. LED Light User

    Quantum Boards 3000K 80 CRI vs 3000K 90 CRI

    Nice Test Ballon I take a seat Greetz from Germany
  16. LED Light User

    Best cobs for 2,4m x 1,2m?

    For a 4×8ft / 1.2×2.4m I build up 3× 200W 4-COB-1-Meter-Bars with HLG-185H-C1400B (dimable) for a friend and he replaced 1200W HPS. 1st Run with LED 20% more Buds 50% lower electric bill 1k €'s Right Investment
  17. LED Light User

    Please help me decide 3590 3500k or 3000k

    For more driver effiecence take a HLG-185H-C1400B for a 4-COB-Line
  18. LED Light User

    About to order diy cob for the first time and from KingBrite.

    Use a 100K Linear Poti with a 10K Resistor for 10-100% Dimming