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  1. Lokesh Kalburgi

    Curling leaves...WTF?!

    Cool, thanks :)
  2. Lokesh Kalburgi

    Curling leaves...WTF?!

    Hmmm okay. Do you think it'll be okay to take clones off this plant?
  3. Lokesh Kalburgi

    Curling leaves...WTF?!

    Ah bugger, not ideal for my first grow :/ I'm thinking of taking clones off this plant, will it be okay?
  4. Lokesh Kalburgi

    Curling leaves...WTF?!

    So should I be worried about the curling leaves? Or is this just a natural thing to happen? And considering it's revegging, will it still produce decent buds?
  5. Lokesh Kalburgi

    Curling leaves...WTF?!

    Are you referring to the curling leaves of the growth?
  6. Lokesh Kalburgi

    Curling leaves...WTF?!

    Hey all This is happening to some of the leaves, anyone know what's up? Also the plant seems to have started flowering with small buds starting to appear but it keeps growing this normal? It's been growing outside in the ground.