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  1. D

    Can somebody tell me sex of plants in photos

    They arec3 different plants
  2. D

    Lights advice

    Her I got inline 1 and its power not the best I got it from window pumping fresh air in and I got a cooltube on my 600watt that I have fan to cool from outside extraction fan n filter I'm going to split the room I was thinking inline fan at bottom from flower area with the ac and another...
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    Lights advice

    Thank you
  4. D

    Lights advice

    That way I can use whole room for flowering with air con and veg in hotter area with less hot cfls
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    Lights advice

    If they are cfl bulbs will they be good as veg room lights sorta thing I'm using a 400watt mh lamp ATM I got space elsewhere but its hot where I live so i split room with air conbut if I used the cfl lamps they are not hot if that's what they are I'm not sure and are they as good qaulity as what...
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    Lights advice

    By these I mean in the photo
  7. D

    Lights advice

    Hi guys I was wondering I bought 2 600watt HP's kits off dude it came with these and a 400 I use as veg with mh I dunno my mate thinks I use these as veg room ATM I got em on my seedlings tray is it a bit much for them I am a bit nembie but I could use the advantage of no heat in veg room as I...
  8. D

    Can somebody Give help

    did u see the pics is that what they ment look like healthy? And its being 4 weeks should I run another 2 week veg u think
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    help on how to clone

    Guys can u see my thread call my 1st grow or did I not add it right
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hi I added a thread in newbie central did I do it right
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    Can somebody Give help

    I think the photos worked dunno female or even how to tell never grown anything so I think I'm doing well or is it all a mirage
  12. D

    Can somebody Give help

    Hey guys I just started 3 random seeds I found in my bag it was quality mango flavered cronic they are standing up famed out nice green I also gave some southern star gg Allen on the way hoping its the goods its a east coast sour diesel crossed with purple dooja and a affy mountain sounds the...