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  1. usuf

    Leaves are folding down?

    No I don't have a ppm meter unfortunately. After flushing them for 2 waterings, they seem to be coming back to life, and growing at a better rate. Thanks for all the advice!
  2. usuf

    Leaves are folding down?

    Good point. I'm running a 250W MH for vegging, and water them once every 5-6 days depending how dry they are. The water I use has a PH of between 5.5-6, with regular 20-20-20 chem nuts that you can buy at Canadian Tire/hardware store. The pot size (rough estimate) are around 5 Gal each. I've...
  3. usuf

    Stealth Rubbermaid Vegging Area w/ Pics

    Sorry for the prolonged period with no follow up... life you know. lol This setup is still working great for me, and gives me the ability to continue cycling vegetating plants from the rubbermaid into my closet for flowering. So after around 2.5 years, and 10+ harvests this has proven to be a...
  4. usuf

    Leaves are folding down?

    Ahh really eh, I didn't expect that since there was no actual burn like I've seen in the past. Thanks for the advice, I'll get to flushing them asap.
  5. usuf

    Leaves are folding down?

    Hi all, I've got a couple Pot of Gold plants that I topped about a week ago. I was starting to see lots of bright green new growth, and the plants were looking relatively healthy until 2 days ago when the leaves started to fold down. I've nute-burned plants before, but the damage doesn't seem...
  6. usuf

    250w HPS Your Yield??

    I get 1-1.5 oz per plant, per harvest (every 10 weeks!), flowering 2-3 at a time in my closet.
  7. usuf

    Why does my weed sparkle when smoked? ;P

    You could be right man, I may have overdried it a bit hanging up, then smoked it after only curing for a week or 2. I was out of green at that point so I just kinda dove in ;D
  8. usuf

    Why does my weed sparkle when smoked? ;P

    Haha well yeah dude. Thanks for all the replies guys. The pot tastes wicked and gets you high as sh*t so I'm still not sure as to the cause. I tried some in a volcano the other day and it came out in white smoke, so you know its crystally as hell. I'm just gonna have to live with it... can you...
  9. usuf

    Why does my weed sparkle when smoked? ;P

    Alright well thanks for the advice guys. I guess next time I'll have to flush a couple weeks before harvest...
  10. usuf

    Why does my weed sparkle when smoked? ;P

    Shit, I did flush a week before harvest, 2 waterings. I used organic nutes at least, dammit!
  11. usuf

    Why does my weed sparkle when smoked? ;P

    No definitely not ;D There no popping, just the sound of sparkling haha. if that makes sense.
  12. usuf

    Why does my weed sparkle when smoked? ;P

    Hey guys whats up? I had this issue with my last harvest as well, but has anyone ever had their weed spark or sparkle when its smoked? Does anyone know what causes it? Weird. I guess its just magical chronic ;P
  13. usuf

    Nirvana Swiss Cheese Harvest

    That cola is massive, good job man. +
  14. usuf

    Gotta find my Fiskars,,,,,,

    Fiskars make a quality axe ;D Nice lookin' buds man. +
  15. usuf

    LA Woman ready a week early??

    I'd just flush for the remaining week and a half.
  16. usuf

    2-3 more weeks bro

    Sounds like you need to smoke one bro.
  17. usuf

    UK Cheese week 9

    That looks wicked man good job. Hey are your seeds from GHSC? Cause I've got a cheese going under a 250W now and it does not look nearly as filled out (bud-wise) as yours does...
  18. usuf

    Week 7 Fan and Bud Leaf Die Off

    Nice looking plants, love the purp ;D
  19. usuf

    pics big bang 8wks

    Those look awesome man, what kind of light are they under?