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  1. KongCannabis

    Why should you believe that death will be any different than it was in 1800?

    The sad thing is most people in the west wouldn't even consider death as something like sleep. It's pretty much like epicurus said, when ur here, you can't be there. But you can always flip to there, its just we can't see them at the same time because we lost connection with conscious attention...
  2. KongCannabis

    Chasing the Rabbit-Hole

    Reincarnation is simply, if you believe you are the smae person that wrote that post as the one you are now, you are reincarnated. You are linking yourself in a chain of events, the wheel of birth and death. Have fun on the wheel while I watch. Well, I guessl you pulled me in ur whirlpool for a...
  3. KongCannabis

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi I just started growing with a friend a couple months ago and looking to expand my knowledge. We are growing in a couple tents in a pole barn so its had its ups and downs but we are optimistic. We are in our first flowering ever and the buds are looking pretty good! We have a lot going on in...