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  1. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    I had 3 different strains...mazaar i sharif, bubble dust and aurora indica. I was happy with the results although I know there were somethings I coulda done differently to get better results, but im always learning each time I grow.
  2. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Alright sorry but your questions have some missing/misspelled words. Are you wondering if its ok to go from a window to 175w HPS for flowering and if a 175w is enough for one plant? I say if your ready to start growing buds, get it into flowering, going from a window is not gonna do anything...
  3. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Hey kaze, do you have any pictures of your curious to see how they turned out.
  4. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Well finally im at my plants maximum flowering period. Tonight signifies the end of 9 weeks. Im still a little hesitant on chopping just yet but im seeing tell tale signs that these ladies are reaching the end. As I have been peering through my pocket microscope, ive been watching the thrichomes...
  5. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    The genetics of the bubble dust are angel dust and bubblegum, if I rub a leaf my fingers smell like grape bubblegum, real trippy. Im hoping the trichs start to amber up more, im looking at obtaining a decent couch lock high. Thanks Butters and BC for the comments, im really curious to see my...
  6. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Here's another update for ya...3 plants at 56 days flower under a cooltube 150w thinking of letting these girls go longer, I dont have the ratio of amber trichomes like I want. The first 2 pics are the aurora, next 3 are the bubble dust, next 3 are Mazaar and the last 1 is all plants...
  7. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    One other thing...does anyone know any specs on the Mazaar? Ive been trying to find the flowering time cause it seems like this woman is gonna go longer than the others...thanks!
  8. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    I know when I harvest these, im gonna be starting another grow and this time im gonna detail everything in the grow journal forum on here, I really regret not doing a good journal, but i didnt even think it was gonna turn out like this....if you have any other questions or want to see any...
  9. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Thanks for the compliment, and unfortunatly I didnt keep a real detailed journal with this forum, I basically just took a crap load of pictures from seed to now. I didnt even know about this club until I was about to go into flowering. I really wish I would have done a grow journal after seeing...
  10. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Well here's another update...plants are at the end of 7 weeks and looking very good...started flushing 3 days ago and im wondering if these ladies are gonna go longer than 8 seeing about a 30% amber in the trichs and it is so dang frosty. The first 3 pics are the aurora indica, next 3...
  11. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Ive only got 1 150w HPS, it seems to be enough for 3 plants...just not sure if i should be seeing more buds or my lants shoul be filling out more.
  12. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Hey an update on my 3 plants. We are now at 42 days flowering. It seems like my buds should be more full being at 42 days, maybe its just me. The first 2 pics are the Aurora Indica clone, the next 3 are the BubbleDust and the last 3 are the Mazaar. Any comments are welcome, let me...
  13. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Here's a little update for me, im at the end of 4 weeks, with 3 plants under a 150 HPS cooltubed. Temps average 78 degrees, and humidty 30-40%. Strains are Bubbledust, a clone of Aurora Indica and Mazaar I Sharif. It seems like the Mazaar is gonna be a lengthy flowering, it took 2 weeks of 12/12...
  14. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Man this thread seems like its totally dead...does anyone even post here anymore, is nobody growing right now?
  15. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Here's an update for my Grow Op. Today i started the 12/12 cycle for my 4 plants, God i pray I get females. They have been in Veg for 4 weeks and really no deficiencies at all during veg. So now ill be using the fox farm trio during flower for increase in bud production. Now onto pics..pic 1 is...
  16. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Well I went ahead and took some new pics since I found out the ones on the previous post are from a few days ago, so these pics are at 26 days veg. Temps in my cab average 76 degrees and humidity averages 40-50%. Ive got a 250 CFM inline fan blowing through the tube on the light, and ive got a...
  17. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    So ive decided to quit lurking and post my grow op since im 2 days away from flipping my plants to 12/12. Im planning on doing a grow journal on another thread detailing my grow but for now im gonna entertain you all with my current progress. I have a Homebox S housing a cool tube 150 watt HPS...
  18. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Thanks for the responses....I guess I just get weird when something I havnt seen happens...
  19. DirtMeds

    150w HPS Club: Inspirational Resource

    Hopefully someone here can help me, im not getting any responses at the plant problems threads. I have three plants that are 3 weeks in veg under a 150w HPS in a cooltube. 2 out of the three plants have some leaves that are curling upwards on the serated edges. Now my first thought was heat...
  20. DirtMeds

    Problem with leaf edges curling up

    so am I asking a stupid there something obvious im missing??